CEA is the French development institution and one of the largest European research organizations, which traces its history from the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (Commissariat а l'йnergie atomique et aux йnergies alternatives), established in October 1945 by General de Gaulle. Currently CEA includes five divisions: Defense, Nuclear, Technological Research (CEA-TECH), Physical Sciences, Life Sciences. In addition, six cross-division programs are implemented: Nanoscience, Toxicology, Advanced Materials, Health Technologies, New Technologies for Energy, Global Security. In 2014, the CEA budget amounted to 4.4 billion euros and the number of employees exceeded 16 thousand people. The organization consists of 10 major research centers and actively cooperates with educational institutions within the framework of more than 50 agreements. About the projects in the field of nanotechnology said the Director of the Nanoscience program Engin Molva.


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