Competent opinion
Engineering in industry of composites: Relationship between Education, Science and Industry Interdisciplinary Engineering Center
"New Materials, Composites and Nanotechnology"
founded in Bauman Moscow State Technical
University to carry out fundamental and applied
research, as well as development
and engineering activities in the field
of materials, composites and nanotechnology
Engineering in industry of composites: Relationship between Education, Science and Industry Interdisciplinary Engineering Center
"New Materials, Composites and Nanotechnology"
founded in Bauman Moscow State Technical
University to carry out fundamental and applied
research, as well as development
and engineering activities in the field
of materials, composites and nanotechnology
Vacuum Technologies for Nanoindustry Vacuum technology, cryogenics and nanotechnology
are the three pillars on which the world of high technology is based. The subjects of IX International Conference, which is held in 2014 in Moscow, are fully
in line with this motto
Vacuum Technologies for Nanoindustry Vacuum technology, cryogenics and nanotechnology
are the three pillars on which the world of high technology is based. The subjects of IX International Conference, which is held in 2014 in Moscow, are fully
in line with this motto
Tags: carbon films nanofluidics nanostructures vacuum equipment вакуумное оборудование наноструктуры нанофлюидика углеродные пленки
B.Krit, N.Morozova, I.Ryzhikov, V.Savva, O.Somov, I.Suminov, A.Epelfeld
Nanostructured Polymer Ceramic Coatings for Sealing Ends The hybrid technology of the surface synthesis
of nanostructured composite ceramic-polymer
coatings allows to obtain high-quality
end seals of high-precision, durable, low-torque
and fast-running mechanisms.
Nanostructured Polymer Ceramic Coatings for Sealing Ends The hybrid technology of the surface synthesis
of nanostructured composite ceramic-polymer
coatings allows to obtain high-quality
end seals of high-precision, durable, low-torque
and fast-running mechanisms.
Tags: micro-arc discharge oxidation surface engineering vapor deposition polymerization газофазная депозитная полимеризация инженерия поверхности микродуговое оксидирование
Conferences, Exhibitions, Seminars
Russian nanoindustry: tasks, problems, solutions The emphasis in the program of the III Congress of nanotechnology companies was made
on the problems of state regulation and support of innovations, investment in nanotechnologies, promotion of nanotechnology products and its implementation in large state corporations.
The participants of the congress adopted
a resolution, which reflects the main
problems of the Russian nanoindustry
and their solutions.
Russian nanoindustry: tasks, problems, solutions The emphasis in the program of the III Congress of nanotechnology companies was made
on the problems of state regulation and support of innovations, investment in nanotechnologies, promotion of nanotechnology products and its implementation in large state corporations.
The participants of the congress adopted
a resolution, which reflects the main
problems of the Russian nanoindustry
and their solutions.
Tags: innovations nanoindustry nanotechnology products инновации наноиндустрия нанотехнологическая продукция
A.Fedoseev, I.Yaminsky
Moscow Innovation Week: The Second All-Russian Conference of YICC "Commercialization of Creativity" and the Opening of the Nanotechnologies YICC The official opening of the Nanotechnologies Youth innovation creativity centre (YICC) and the Second All-Russian conference of YICC "Commercialization of creativity" became significant events aimed at creating in Moscow creative atmosphere and infrastructure for innovation and scientific and technological progress.
Moscow Innovation Week: The Second All-Russian Conference of YICC "Commercialization of Creativity" and the Opening of the Nanotechnologies YICC The official opening of the Nanotechnologies Youth innovation creativity centre (YICC) and the Second All-Russian conference of YICC "Commercialization of creativity" became significant events aimed at creating in Moscow creative atmosphere and infrastructure for innovation and scientific and technological progress.
Issues of patenting
Patent Strategies Applied by Companies The company’s patent strategy should be part
of its overall strategy because it has an effect on its marketing and economic security policies.
The main purpose of a patent strategy is to conquer a market by using the company’s exclusive
rights for inventions.
Patent Strategies Applied by Companies The company’s patent strategy should be part
of its overall strategy because it has an effect on its marketing and economic security policies.
The main purpose of a patent strategy is to conquer a market by using the company’s exclusive
rights for inventions.
Tags: defensive patents specialized patents tactical patents защитные патенты специализированные патенты тактические патенты
Expert’s opinion
D.Lovtsyus, A.Alekseyev, I.Yaminsky, A.Kovalev
2014: Results and forecasts Heads of the nanotechnology companies summarize the year and assess the prospects for business development in the difficult economic situation.
2014: Results and forecasts Heads of the nanotechnology companies summarize the year and assess the prospects for business development in the difficult economic situation.
Reportage from laboratory
Engineering and Manufacture of Innovative Composites In January three years marks the company "Nanotechnology Center of Composites" (the NCC), which is one of the most modern engineering and manufacturing organizations in the Russian composite industry. The NCC develops and manufactures products made of composites, conducts research and prototyping, invests in innovative start-UPS, provides consulting services.
Engineering and Manufacture of Innovative Composites In January three years marks the company "Nanotechnology Center of Composites" (the NCC), which is one of the most modern engineering and manufacturing organizations in the Russian composite industry. The NCC develops and manufactures products made of composites, conducts research and prototyping, invests in innovative start-UPS, provides consulting services.