Competent opinion
Gazprombank and NTSR: Promotion of Innovations and New Opportunities in the Nanoindustry Development institutions, banks, foundations and specialized public organizations work to solve the issue of financing of innovation. A market promotion system of promising projects that have proved in practice its effectiveness was created under a system of Nanotechnological Society of Russia.
Gazprombank and NTSR: Promotion of Innovations and New Opportunities in the Nanoindustry Development institutions, banks, foundations and specialized public organizations work to solve the issue of financing of innovation. A market promotion system of promising projects that have proved in practice its effectiveness was created under a system of Nanotechnological Society of Russia.
Tags: innovative projects investment nanotechnological society of russia инвестиции инновационные проекты нанотехнологическое общество россии
Test & Measurement
Solutions for a High-quality Analysis of Micro- and Nano-structures A necessary condition for a qualitative analysis of micro- and nano-structures is a correct preparation of samples for research. This problem is topical in many hi-tech areas:
in semi-conductor productions, manufacture of МEМS
and in various spheres of R&D
Solutions for a High-quality Analysis of Micro- and Nano-structures A necessary condition for a qualitative analysis of micro- and nano-structures is a correct preparation of samples for research. This problem is topical in many hi-tech areas:
in semi-conductor productions, manufacture of МEМS
and in various spheres of R&D
Tags: preparation of samples scanning electron microscope transmission electron microscope пробоподготовка просвечивающий электронный микроскоп сканирующий электронный микроскоп
A.Useinov, K.Kravchuk, I.Maslenikov
Obtaining of Tomograms of the Mechanical Properties by the Methods of Nano-indentation On the example of the polymeric coatings the authors demonstrate the advantages of the high-cycle instrumental nano-indentation with a partial discharge to studying of the mechanical properties of the near-surface volume of materials.
Obtaining of Tomograms of the Mechanical Properties by the Methods of Nano-indentation On the example of the polymeric coatings the authors demonstrate the advantages of the high-cycle instrumental nano-indentation with a partial discharge to studying of the mechanical properties of the near-surface volume of materials.
Tags: high-cycle indentation nanodurometer research of the near-surface layers of materials tomography многоцикловое индентирование нанотвердомер приповерхностные слои материалов томографирование
I.Yaminsky, P.Gorelkin, A.Erofeev, O.Sinitsyna, G.Meshkov
Bionanoscopy in Biology and Medicine Tools of nanoanalytics open new opportunities for observation of the wildlife. In the second part of the review the data concerning observation of the nucleic acids, proteins, bacteria, cells and tissues are generalized.
Bionanoscopy in Biology and Medicine Tools of nanoanalytics open new opportunities for observation of the wildlife. In the second part of the review the data concerning observation of the nucleic acids, proteins, bacteria, cells and tissues are generalized.
Tags: atomic balance bionanoscopy nanosansors scanning microscopy атомные весы бионаноскопия. наносенсоры сканирующая микроскопия
There is an idea!
J.Peters, K.James
Application of Near Critical/Supercritical Solvent Cleaning Processes Carbon dioxide can be used in its liquid (near critical) or supercritical fluid state as a replacement for conventional cleaning solvents, reducing the pollution associated with the operations that would otherwise require significant amounts of volatile organic compounds, ozone depleting substances, or hazardous air pollutants. Near critical/supercritical processing is a commercially viable process for many industrial, electronic and medical device cleaning applications. This applications note will focus on industrial applications such as oxygen-service pressure gauges, fuel and transmission oil filters, and bearings.
Application of Near Critical/Supercritical Solvent Cleaning Processes Carbon dioxide can be used in its liquid (near critical) or supercritical fluid state as a replacement for conventional cleaning solvents, reducing the pollution associated with the operations that would otherwise require significant amounts of volatile organic compounds, ozone depleting substances, or hazardous air pollutants. Near critical/supercritical processing is a commercially viable process for many industrial, electronic and medical device cleaning applications. This applications note will focus on industrial applications such as oxygen-service pressure gauges, fuel and transmission oil filters, and bearings.
Tags: carbon dioxide chlorofluorocarbon solvents ecology industrial cleaning near critical/supercritical solvents диоксид углерода около- и сверхкритические растворители промышленная очистка хлорфторуглеродные растворители экология
Conferences, Exhibitions, Seminars
Fifth Conference of the Nanotechnological Society of Russia The reports of the Fifth Conference of the Nanotechnological Society of Russia (NTSR) covered a wide range of problems concerning the development of Russian nanoindustry and also presented interesting projects of NTSR members
Fifth Conference of the Nanotechnological Society of Russia The reports of the Fifth Conference of the Nanotechnological Society of Russia (NTSR) covered a wide range of problems concerning the development of Russian nanoindustry and also presented interesting projects of NTSR members
Tags: financing of innovation nanoindustry nanotechnological society of russia наноиндустрия нанотехнологическое общество россии финансирование инноваций
Issues of patenting
Terminology and Patenting Сantilever is one of the most important parts of an atomic-force microscope (AFM). Considering this circumstance and the fact that new versions of AFM are still patented all the time, an analysis of the term’s usage will be useful for preparation of applications for inventions.
Terminology and Patenting Сantilever is one of the most important parts of an atomic-force microscope (AFM). Considering this circumstance and the fact that new versions of AFM are still patented all the time, an analysis of the term’s usage will be useful for preparation of applications for inventions.
Tags: atomic-force microscope cantilever patent right probe sensor whisker атомно-силовой микроскоп вискер зондовый датчик кантилевер патентное право
V.Lysenko, A.Sviridenok, A.Kravtsevich, S.Mikulich
Micromechanical Characteristics of Nanocomposites on the Basis of Polypropylene Modification of polypropylene with nanopowder of silicon dioxide increases the microhardness and wear resistance of the polymer and decreases its wettability with water. The changes in characteristics of the nanocomposite are accompanied by formation of a fine spherulitic supramolecular structure.
Micromechanical Characteristics of Nanocomposites on the Basis of Polypropylene Modification of polypropylene with nanopowder of silicon dioxide increases the microhardness and wear resistance of the polymer and decreases its wettability with water. The changes in characteristics of the nanocomposite are accompanied by formation of a fine spherulitic supramolecular structure.