Competent opinion
I.Suminov, E.Grebenyuk, B.Krit
Innovation developments of MATI affer K.E.Ziolkovsky in the field of nanotechnology 2012 is a year of the 80 year anniversary of MATI and the 50 year anniversary of «Information systems and technologies» faculty, which along other university departments plays an important role in creation of intellectual products coming as a result of innovation activity. A logic of result of such activity is commercialization of developments and bringing them to the stage of finished products. It is natural when we speak of nanotechnology, a popular line of world scientific and technical development, which embraces well-known and novel methods and technologies. MATI scientists conduct large-scale research in this field, and since 2007 the faculty has been providing training of specialists in the area of knowledge «Nanomaterials and technology».
Innovation developments of MATI affer K.E.Ziolkovsky in the field of nanotechnology 2012 is a year of the 80 year anniversary of MATI and the 50 year anniversary of «Information systems and technologies» faculty, which along other university departments plays an important role in creation of intellectual products coming as a result of innovation activity. A logic of result of such activity is commercialization of developments and bringing them to the stage of finished products. It is natural when we speak of nanotechnology, a popular line of world scientific and technical development, which embraces well-known and novel methods and technologies. MATI scientists conduct large-scale research in this field, and since 2007 the faculty has been providing training of specialists in the area of knowledge «Nanomaterials and technology».
Tags: commercialization of developments innovation activity microarc nanotechnology oxidizing ring lasers инновационная активность кольцевые лазеры коммерциализация разработок микродуговое оксидирование нанотехнология
A new approach to installation of modern process equipment Innovative development of modern technologies, as well as upgrading of existing facilities, require a comprehensive approach to installing high-tech equipment. The advantage in the market today belongs to those producers who can help the end user to technically and technologically fully develop the project. As part of a comprehensive approach to the supply and delivery of services to customers, JSC SemiTEq in cooperation with JSC "RUSNANO" has successfully implemented a project to develop its own infrastructure launching its own Application Lab in late 2011.
A new approach to installation of modern process equipment Innovative development of modern technologies, as well as upgrading of existing facilities, require a comprehensive approach to installing high-tech equipment. The advantage in the market today belongs to those producers who can help the end user to technically and technologically fully develop the project. As part of a comprehensive approach to the supply and delivery of services to customers, JSC SemiTEq in cooperation with JSC "RUSNANO" has successfully implemented a project to develop its own infrastructure launching its own Application Lab in late 2011.
Tags: application lab nanoheterostructures semiconductor devices наногетероструктура полупроводниковые приборы прикладная лаборатория
Do we know all about the atom of hydrogen? Novel technologies have always promoted science development. Nanotechnology is not an exception. Ideas about the outside world are changing with their development. These ideas allow to discover and use fundamental properties of the matter in a nanometer scale to benefit the humanity. Can we learn anything new about the atom of hydrogen? It has been investigated in detail; many problems related to the structure and behavior of this atom are solved analytically. However, it is possible to show that, in contrast to traditional ideas, the probability density of location of an electron moving around the nucleus is structured. It should result in specifying the knowledge about well-known effects.
Do we know all about the atom of hydrogen? Novel technologies have always promoted science development. Nanotechnology is not an exception. Ideas about the outside world are changing with their development. These ideas allow to discover and use fundamental properties of the matter in a nanometer scale to benefit the humanity. Can we learn anything new about the atom of hydrogen? It has been investigated in detail; many problems related to the structure and behavior of this atom are solved analytically. However, it is possible to show that, in contrast to traditional ideas, the probability density of location of an electron moving around the nucleus is structured. It should result in specifying the knowledge about well-known effects.
Tags: dhydrogen atom of an electron probability density of location quantum mechanics structuring атом водорода квантовая механика плотность вероятности нахождения структурированность электрона
V.Potapov, S.Muradov, V.Sivashenko, S.Rogaty
Nanosilica: uses in medicine and veterinary practice. The possibility of using of nanosilica (nanopowder, gel) produced from hydrothermal solutions in veterinary practice has been studied. The influence of nanosilica on poultry and pigs reproduction and development was investigated. Parameters of acute and chronic toxicity of nanodispersed silicon dioxide (NSD), embryotoxity and teratogenic action were determined. Hematologic and biochemical blood parameters and serum of animals and poultry were studied. Influence of different NSD doses on poultry development, as well as on reproduction functions and development of pigs were shown.
Nanosilica: uses in medicine and veterinary practice. The possibility of using of nanosilica (nanopowder, gel) produced from hydrothermal solutions in veterinary practice has been studied. The influence of nanosilica on poultry and pigs reproduction and development was investigated. Parameters of acute and chronic toxicity of nanodispersed silicon dioxide (NSD), embryotoxity and teratogenic action were determined. Hematologic and biochemical blood parameters and serum of animals and poultry were studied. Influence of different NSD doses on poultry development, as well as on reproduction functions and development of pigs were shown.
Tags: blood parameters bone strength immunity nanopowders and gels sio2 resistance toxic иммунитет нанопорошки и гели sio2 наночастицы sio2 показатели крови прочность кости резистентность nanoparticles sio2 токсичность
Z.Zhirikova, G.Kozlov, V.Aloev
Nanocomposite polymer/carbon nanotubes: prediction of reinforcement degree A generalized model allowing to predict the degree of reinforcement of nanocomposites with different nanofiller types is proposed. It has been shown that enhancement of anisotropy degree of nanofiller particles (filaments) reduces its role in matrix polymer reinforcement.
Nanocomposite polymer/carbon nanotubes: prediction of reinforcement degree A generalized model allowing to predict the degree of reinforcement of nanocomposites with different nanofiller types is proposed. It has been shown that enhancement of anisotropy degree of nanofiller particles (filaments) reduces its role in matrix polymer reinforcement.
Tags: aggregation carbon nanotubes nanocomposite nanofiller anisotropy reinforcement агрегация анизотропия нанонаполнителя нанокомпозит углеродные нанотрубки усиление
Test & Measurement
Acoustic microscopy: detection of hidden defects in microelectronics The important advantage of acoustic microscopy is its capability to reveal in samples hidden defects that can arise during the production process. Using acoustic microscopy makes analysis and revealing of defects such as delaminations, voids and cracks, more effective in comparison with any other inspection methods. The article gives readers a possibility to get acquainted with the idea of acoustic microscopy, principles of its functioning, as well as methods of revealing defects using this way.
Acoustic microscopy: detection of hidden defects in microelectronics The important advantage of acoustic microscopy is its capability to reveal in samples hidden defects that can arise during the production process. Using acoustic microscopy makes analysis and revealing of defects such as delaminations, voids and cracks, more effective in comparison with any other inspection methods. The article gives readers a possibility to get acquainted with the idea of acoustic microscopy, principles of its functioning, as well as methods of revealing defects using this way.
Tags: acoustic waves delaminations internal defects nondestructive testing voids акустические волны внутренние дефекты неразрушающий контроль пустоты расслоения трещины
A.Filonov, S.Savinov, O.Sinitsyna, G.Meshkov, I.Yaminsky
New scanning probe microscope “FemtoScan X” Scanning probe microscopy allows to study the structure and properties of objects at the atomic and molecular level. Innovation company Advanced Technologies Center has developed a new scanning probe microscope oriented towards biological research. The distinctive characteristics of the new microscope are high-speed electronics, free access to the area of the sample, usability and remote control over the Internet.
New scanning probe microscope “FemtoScan X” Scanning probe microscopy allows to study the structure and properties of objects at the atomic and molecular level. Innovation company Advanced Technologies Center has developed a new scanning probe microscope oriented towards biological research. The distinctive characteristics of the new microscope are high-speed electronics, free access to the area of the sample, usability and remote control over the Internet.
Tags: force mapping lithography remote control scanning probe microscope литография силовое картирование сканирующий зондовый микроскоп удаленное управление
There is an idea!
L.Zhuravlevа, V.Plekhanov
Isotopic nanoengineering for telecommunication systems Development of telecommunication systems requires an increase of information transmission capacity and rate. It can be done only by using algorithms of its processing based on quantum systems, which requires fundamentally new hardware components. One of the most effective lines of development is connected with improvement of technologies of their production on the base of nanostructures. In this connection the developers` attention is focused on modeling with the help of isotopic nanoengineering, which in combination with nuclear technologies can become an effective method of creation of quantum systems with preset characteristics.
Isotopic nanoengineering for telecommunication systems Development of telecommunication systems requires an increase of information transmission capacity and rate. It can be done only by using algorithms of its processing based on quantum systems, which requires fundamentally new hardware components. One of the most effective lines of development is connected with improvement of technologies of their production on the base of nanostructures. In this connection the developers` attention is focused on modeling with the help of isotopic nanoengineering, which in combination with nuclear technologies can become an effective method of creation of quantum systems with preset characteristics.
Tags: isotopic nanoengineering low-temperature structures quantum systems изотопическая наноинженерия квантовые системы низкоразмерные структуры
Conferences, Exhibitions, Seminars
O.Sinitsyna, I.Yaminsky
International conference and exhibition “Graphene 2012” The article sums up the proceedings of the international conference and exhibition "Graphene 2012" of April 10-13, in Brussels. It highlights the major themes of the scientific papers and posters, materials presented at the exhibition, and dwells upon the topic of the new high-quality pyrolytic graphite for nanotechnology application and graphene preparation.
International conference and exhibition “Graphene 2012” The article sums up the proceedings of the international conference and exhibition "Graphene 2012" of April 10-13, in Brussels. It highlights the major themes of the scientific papers and posters, materials presented at the exhibition, and dwells upon the topic of the new high-quality pyrolytic graphite for nanotechnology application and graphene preparation.
Tags: graphene highly oriented pyrolytic graphite scanning probe microscopy асм наложение цвета программа обработки изображений сзм цветная палитра
L. Ratkin
Application of nanomaterials in electronic instrument-making In late March 2012 the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) hosted a scientific session of the Department on nanotechnology and information technologies of the RAS "Problems of materials in electronic devices of future generations".
Application of nanomaterials in electronic instrument-making In late March 2012 the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) hosted a scientific session of the Department on nanotechnology and information technologies of the RAS "Problems of materials in electronic devices of future generations".
Tags: electroactive impurity electronic devices silicon integral circuits, monoisotopic silicon silicon-on-insulator ultrathin structures кремниевые интегральные схемы моноизотопный кремний ультратонкие структуры кремния на изоляторе электроактивная примесь электронные приборы
Issues of patenting
Features of patenting of micro- and nanomachines Origin of nanotechnology triggered emergence of forecasts concerning future technologies, with nanomachines taking a significant place. Great attention is paid to creation of nanodevices capable of performing operations and of bioobjects resembling macromolecules. Biological structures and their components are proposed as prototypes. For example, Rice University has created a nanomachine consisting of a frame with fullerenes connected to it by chemical bonds. The machine can move at rotating of fullerene wheels along a gold surface at its heating up to 200°C. Since the year 2000 patenting of nanomachines and nanomotors has been gaining rate, first of all, in Japan and the USA. In Russia such patents are isolated cases, but works in this direction are in progress.
Features of patenting of micro- and nanomachines Origin of nanotechnology triggered emergence of forecasts concerning future technologies, with nanomachines taking a significant place. Great attention is paid to creation of nanodevices capable of performing operations and of bioobjects resembling macromolecules. Biological structures and their components are proposed as prototypes. For example, Rice University has created a nanomachine consisting of a frame with fullerenes connected to it by chemical bonds. The machine can move at rotating of fullerene wheels along a gold surface at its heating up to 200°C. Since the year 2000 patenting of nanomachines and nanomotors has been gaining rate, first of all, in Japan and the USA. In Russia such patents are isolated cases, but works in this direction are in progress.