Half a century in science. From a ferroelectric laboratory to centers for shared use and fundamental biotechnology and bioengineering DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2021.
Microstructure of 3D-objects. Microlight3D technologies for the creation of micro and nanoworlds objects DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2021.
Year of science and technology DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2021.
Peculiarities of the concentration effect of hydrothermal nanosilica in the pre-sowing treatment of plant seeds upon indicators of biomass and sprouts height in the dark growth mode DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2021.
The research presents the results of screening studies of 14 agricultural plants with different biological and useful economic properties (17 genotypes, including different species, varieties, and hybrids) to assess the effect of hydrothermal nanosilica on biomass and sprout height in the dark growth germination. Four main types of plant response were revealed in the studied concentration range (0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001 and 0.0005%). These dependencies are characteristic both of the biomass sprout indicator and of the sprout height. The essential role of genetic and epigenetic factors in the formation of the plant response when using hydrothermal nanosilica in seed germination is pointed out.
Mechanism of formation of nanodispersed boron nitride layers in PCh13M2-BN powder compacts DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2021.
This paper considers formation of PCh13M2-BN powder compact structure obtained by solid-phase sintering. The mechanism of the formation of nanodispersed BN interlayers along the grain boundaries of compacts and a phenomenological model of the formation of regions with the increased concentration of ceramic particles in the bulk of the material are presented.
FemtoScan Online software in virus research DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2021.
Nowadays, virus research has become an especially urgent task. Scanning probe microscopy allows one to obtain unique information about the morphology and properties of viruses, which are inaccessible by other methods, and may explain, for example, the ability of viruses to withstand many external environmental factors and adapt to external conditions. Mechanical and geometrical properties, adhesion, tendency to aggregation, ability to crystallize can be obtained using the probe microscopy. In these studies, specialized software is an important tool for processing and analyzing the results obtained.
Biomorphous neuroprocessor – prototype of a new generation computer being a carrier of artificial intelligence. Part 2 DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2021.
Primary and ultimate information processing takes place in the input and output devices of the biomorphic neuroprocessor. The results are presented on the compression of digital information at the input and its coding into pulses, as well as on the decoding of information about the activation of neurons at the output into a digital binary code. An implementation of a hardware neural network of a processor based on an original biomorphic electrical model of a neuron is presented. The results of SPICE modeling and experimental research of signal processing processes in the modes of routing neuron output pulses to synapses of other neurons in a logical matrix, scalar multiplication of a matrix of numbers by a vector, and associative self-learning in a memory matrix are presented. For the first time, the generation of a new association (new knowledge) was demonstrated both in computer simulation and in a fabricated memristor-diode crossbar, in contrast to self-learning in existing hardware neural networks with synapses based on discrete memristors.
Distribution of stresses in fine- and coarse-grained cylindrical aluminum alloy 6101 samples subjected to static tension DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2021.
Calculation of strength and durability of various metal structures presents one of the most significant tasks in the contemporary world. To achieve it, the different mechanical criteria of the material, such as strength, ductility, etc., should be known. The calculation data and t distribution pattern of critical stresses that define formation of pores in the material (in our case, Al-6101) under static loading are presented in this article. The first phase of material fracture is the pore formation and merging. Therefore, its subsequent fracture can be estimated using the data on the critical stresses of the material.