Educational environment presents a grand challenge DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.
Developing an educational system in the field of nanotechnology requires a systematic approach that includes various forms of educational activity from multi-level competitions and educational sites to project camp shifts and partnerships.
Chromium galvanic coating modified by graphene oxide DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.
The microhardness of galvanic chromium coating obtained from a standard electrolyte nanomodified by graphene oxide has been studied experimentally. It was observed that when graphene oxide is added to the electrolyte at a concentration of 10 mg/l, the microhardness of the chromium coating increases to 1,064 kg/mm2 (as compared with the chromium coating obtained from the standard chromium electrolyte without additives; the increase in microhardness is 19.8%).
Production and properties of ceramics prepared from dioxide zirconium nanopowder by SPS method DOI: 10.22184/1993-8478.2020.
Dense and solid fine-grained ceramics (microhardness of 24 GPa and grain size of 1µ) based on nanoscale zirconium dioxide powder was prepared by spark plasma sintering (SPS) method.
The structural features of TiNi nanostructural equiatomic alloy in multiple martensitic transformations DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.
The paper describes in detail a study dealing with the influence of multiple martensite transformations on the equiatomic alloy of the TiNi system microstructure. Thermocyclic treatment of the equiatomic alloy in the nanocrystalline state obtained by the intensive torsional plastic deformation method was carried out.
Advanced Technologies Center: plans and innovations DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.
The companies "Advanced Technologies Center" and "Energy Efficient Technologies" were included in the rating of the most high-tech and innovative companies "TechUspekh" following the results of 2019. The TechUspekh rating is a tool for searching, monitoring and promoting of the promising fast-growing technology companies that have high leadership potential both in the Russian and global markets.
Study of the structural materials properties by instrumental indentation using a portable nanohardness meter DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.
A modification of the "NanoScan-4 D" nanohardness meter, which allows of measuring the mechanical properties of articles by the instrumental indentation according to GOST R 8.748-2011 under conditions close to industrial fabrication, has been developed. The main advantage of the described device, unlike most modern portable hardness testers, is the ability to work with a wide class of materials (from metals to solid polymers) since the study of the mechanical properties of products does not require preliminary information on the elastic modulus of the material being tested. Presented are the experimental data obtained on standard samples of the enterprise: polycarbonate and aluminum, as well as on various metal articles used as parts of machines and mechanisms of the oil and gas industry. The measured values of hardness coincide with the values obtained on a laboratory nanohardness meter taking into account the inherent errors of this type of equipment.
Validation of the compressed air production and distribution system DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.
The article is devoted to certification of compressed air systems in pharmaceutical industry. The methodology and KIT ASEPTICA ISO 8573 set described herein can be used in other industries (food, electron, optical, etc.) as well as for other process media (nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon, etc.). There are many publications on design, installation and validation of compressed gas and air production and distribution systems. This article is written by engineers engaged in the design and validation of pharmaceutical enterprises and covers a number of practical issues, in particular sampling schemes and equipment at points of consumption.
Mapper: Domestic foundry and the resident of a special economic zone DOI: 10.22184/1993-8478.2020.
Just eight years ago, a subsidiary of the Dutch Holding Mapper Lithography B.V. was established with the financial participation of Rusnano, and now LLC Mapper can confidently be called a "foundry". The high technological level of production allowed this company to become a resident of a special economic zone – Technopolis Moscow. The range of products includes microelements of electronic optics, MEMS and components of microelectronic devices ordered by enterprises of the domestic microelectronic industry.
The use of scanning probe and capillary microscopy in international collaboration DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.
The scientific collaboration of the probe microscopy group of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the scientific group from the Sharif University of Technology (Tehran, IRI) in the framework of the Russian-Iranian project was extremely fruitful. For three years of the project the original results on local surface modification in thin films due to the use of scanning capillary microscopy were obtained. Also, a device for combined probe and capillary microscopy has been developed.
Hydrothermal nanosilica in agricultural crop and biotechnology DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.
Experiments on application of hydrothermal nanosilica to increase productivity agricultural plants were carried out. Nanosilica sol was produced by ultrafiltration membrane concentration of orthosilicic acid polymers of hydrothermal solution to SiO2 content 10–20 mas. %. Plants treatment was done by diluted sol with SiO2 content in the range 0.0001–0.2 mas. %. Treatment of seeds ore upground parts of plants once ore twice was applied. SiO2 consumption was about 10–20 g per hectare. Experiments with wide range of plants was done, including potatoes, cabbage, vegetable marrow, onion, mustard, amaranth, tomato, sugar, wheat, beet and radish. Besides productivity biochemical and biometric parameters were changed: plants height, quantity, length, wide of leafs and others. For example, in upground mass of amaranth was detected decreasing of cellular tissue content and increasing grease, total saccharin content with constant content of carotene and protein. In amaranth seeds increasing of oil, squalene, starch, protein, vitamin C content was detected.