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Рассказывает генеральный директор по исследованиям и разработкам Intel в России К.Исаев
Корпорация Intel: в фокусе инноваций – индивидуальный потребитель. Камиль Исаев – выпускник физического факультета МГУ, кандидат физико-математических наук. Работал в Российской академии наук, в компаниях Coca-Cola и Lancer. В корпорации Intel К.Исаев работает c 1997 года. Сегодня он– генеральный директор по исследованиям и разработкам в России.
Компания Intel известна не только как крупнейший в мире производитель полупроводниковых приборов с оборотом свыше 40 млрд. долл. Деятельность Intel, по большому счету, во многом определяет облик современного мира. Персональные компьютеры и высокопроизводительные вычисления, телекоммуникации и персональные сети, микропроцессоры и полупроводниковые технологии – все это развивается благодаря усилиям Intel. Это одна из тех компаний, соль и хлеб которых – создание инновационных продуктов.
Кроме того, Intel – это одна из первых зарубежных фирм, которые начали создавать в России свои центры разработок, участвуя, по большому счету, в развитии российской экономики высоких технологий. Как Intel строит здесь свою работу, как выглядит с высоты опыта Intel инновационный процесс, происходящий сейчас в России, – наш разговор с генеральным директором по исследованиям и разработкам Intel в России Камилем Исаевым.
Корпорация Intel: в фокусе инноваций – индивидуальный потребитель. Камиль Исаев – выпускник физического факультета МГУ, кандидат физико-математических наук. Работал в Российской академии наук, в компаниях Coca-Cola и Lancer. В корпорации Intel К.Исаев работает c 1997 года. Сегодня он– генеральный директор по исследованиям и разработкам в России.
Компания Intel известна не только как крупнейший в мире производитель полупроводниковых приборов с оборотом свыше 40 млрд. долл. Деятельность Intel, по большому счету, во многом определяет облик современного мира. Персональные компьютеры и высокопроизводительные вычисления, телекоммуникации и персональные сети, микропроцессоры и полупроводниковые технологии – все это развивается благодаря усилиям Intel. Это одна из тех компаний, соль и хлеб которых – создание инновационных продуктов.
Кроме того, Intel – это одна из первых зарубежных фирм, которые начали создавать в России свои центры разработок, участвуя, по большому счету, в развитии российской экономики высоких технологий. Как Intel строит здесь свою работу, как выглядит с высоты опыта Intel инновационный процесс, происходящий сейчас в России, – наш разговор с генеральным директором по исследованиям и разработкам Intel в России Камилем Исаевым.
Industrial nanotechnologies
I.Korotash, V.Odinokov, G.Pavlov, D.Polotsky, E.Rudenko, V.Semenyuk, V.Sologub
Formation of Carbon Nanotubes in a Single Process Cycle Technology of ion-plasma formation of arrays of carbon nanotubes on single-crystal silicon substrates, aimed at producing field-emission electron sources for high resolution displays has been developed (G.V.Kurdyumov Institute of Metallophysics, NAS, Kiev, Ukraine). This technology is implemented in vacuum process equipment (Research Institute of Precision Engineering, JSC, Moscow, Russia).
Formation of Carbon Nanotubes in a Single Process Cycle Technology of ion-plasma formation of arrays of carbon nanotubes on single-crystal silicon substrates, aimed at producing field-emission electron sources for high resolution displays has been developed (G.V.Kurdyumov Institute of Metallophysics, NAS, Kiev, Ukraine). This technology is implemented in vacuum process equipment (Research Institute of Precision Engineering, JSC, Moscow, Russia).
Tags: array displays field-emission electron sources ion-plasma formation substrate автоэмиссионные источники дисплеи ионно-плазменное формирование массив подложка
Сlean Rooms – Leave Dust to Competitors A modular clean room is a vital up-to-date solution for nano- and microelectronics. Advantages of modular clean room are variety of space saving concepts, quickly and economically increased, rapid construction, relocatability. It’s a great alternative, economic and easily licensed.
Сlean Rooms – Leave Dust to Competitors A modular clean room is a vital up-to-date solution for nano- and microelectronics. Advantages of modular clean room are variety of space saving concepts, quickly and economically increased, rapid construction, relocatability. It’s a great alternative, economic and easily licensed.
Tags: clean rooms contamination dust work space загрязнения пыль рабочее пространство чистые помещения
A. Alexeyev, D. Krasovitsy, S. Petrov, V. Chalyi
Growth of Superperfect III-N Heterostructures This work presents the results of use of SemiTEq MBE System STE3N2 specially designed for high temperature III-nitrides growth. The original buffer layer construction developed (a multilayer heterostructure) realized due to the unique features of the System allows to drastically improve GaN layer properties. Power microwave FETs demonstrating record for Russia parameters based on the grown heterostructures have been created.
Growth of Superperfect III-N Heterostructures This work presents the results of use of SemiTEq MBE System STE3N2 specially designed for high temperature III-nitrides growth. The original buffer layer construction developed (a multilayer heterostructure) realized due to the unique features of the System allows to drastically improve GaN layer properties. Power microwave FETs demonstrating record for Russia parameters based on the grown heterostructures have been created.
Tags: heterostructures multilayer units and fets гетероструктуры многослойные полевые транзисторы установк
V.Beklemyshev, U.Maugeri, I.Makhonin, L.Muhamedieva, V.Pustovoy, K.Filippov
Hygienic Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites The process of separation of toxic volatile organic compounds from polymeric nanocomposites at their ageing and thermal oxidative destruction is investigated. Injection of nanosized layered silicates intercalated by ions of metals (as stabilizers of “nonchain” inhibition) into the polymeric matrix decreases essentially the level of toxic substances and increases biocidal properties of the nanocomposites.
Hygienic Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites The process of separation of toxic volatile organic compounds from polymeric nanocomposites at their ageing and thermal oxidative destruction is investigated. Injection of nanosized layered silicates intercalated by ions of metals (as stabilizers of “nonchain” inhibition) into the polymeric matrix decreases essentially the level of toxic substances and increases biocidal properties of the nanocomposites.
Tags: inhibition polymeric nanocomposites intercalation volatile organic compounds ингибирование летучие органические соединения полимерные нанокомпозиты интеркаляция
D.Egorov, N.Egorov, S.Tsoi, O.Shafronov
Highly Effective Сomplex Microfertilizer The nanotechnology-based complex mineral microfertilizer «Green Lift» has been developed for presowing seed treatment and top-dressing. This fertilizer is a water suspension of compounds of biogenic macro- and microelements bound with ultradisperse particles of solid oxide. At treatment nanoscale structures providing high efficiency of mineral nutrition optimization, protection and development processes are formed on plants.
Highly Effective Сomplex Microfertilizer The nanotechnology-based complex mineral microfertilizer «Green Lift» has been developed for presowing seed treatment and top-dressing. This fertilizer is a water suspension of compounds of biogenic macro- and microelements bound with ultradisperse particles of solid oxide. At treatment nanoscale structures providing high efficiency of mineral nutrition optimization, protection and development processes are formed on plants.
Tags: agrochemistry microelements microfertilizer surface texture агрохимия микроудобрение микроэлементы текстура поверхности
Test & Measurement
D. Bagrov, G.Meshkov, O.Sinitsyna, S.Smirnov, I.Yaminsky
Molecular Express Analysis for Diagnostics and Biomedicine The modern methods of nanoanalytics open new opportunities for medical diagnostics at the level of single biomacromolecules, viral particles, bacterial cells and higher organisms. The novel analytical platform “Bionanoscopy” integrates scanning probe microscopy, atomic balance, ultrahigh-resolution optical microscopy beyond the diffraction limit, fluorescent and interference microscopy. The platform is designed for medical diagnostics, nanosurgery, toxicology, cosmetology and other fields where high accuracy is required.
Molecular Express Analysis for Diagnostics and Biomedicine The modern methods of nanoanalytics open new opportunities for medical diagnostics at the level of single biomacromolecules, viral particles, bacterial cells and higher organisms. The novel analytical platform “Bionanoscopy” integrates scanning probe microscopy, atomic balance, ultrahigh-resolution optical microscopy beyond the diffraction limit, fluorescent and interference microscopy. The platform is designed for medical diagnostics, nanosurgery, toxicology, cosmetology and other fields where high accuracy is required.
Tags: atomic balance interference microscopy medical diagnostics multifunctional platform nanooptics nanosurgery scanning probe microscopy атомные весы интерференционная микроскопия медицинская диагностика мультифункциональная платформа нанооптика нанохирургия сканирующая зондовая микроскопия
D.Bagrov, I.Yaminsky, O.Shaburova, A.Feofanov, K.Shaytan
Electrostatic Force Microscopy Study of Nano-Sized Objects Electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) is a special mode of atomic force microscopy (AFM) which enables to get information about the electrostatic field gradient above the surface as well as about the sign and magnitude of the trapped charges. EFM can be used to check the quality of contacts in electronic circuits, to detect trapped charges, to write and read information by changing the distribution of the trapped charges. In the current work EFM has been used for observation of differences in the properties of individual nanoparticles.
Electrostatic Force Microscopy Study of Nano-Sized Objects Electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) is a special mode of atomic force microscopy (AFM) which enables to get information about the electrostatic field gradient above the surface as well as about the sign and magnitude of the trapped charges. EFM can be used to check the quality of contacts in electronic circuits, to detect trapped charges, to write and read information by changing the distribution of the trapped charges. In the current work EFM has been used for observation of differences in the properties of individual nanoparticles.
Tags: atomic-force microscopy bacteriophages electrostatic force microscopy nanoparticles атомно-силовая микроскопия бактериофаги наночастицы электросиловая микроскопия
V.Romanko, S.Kravchenko, S.Nesterov, V.Khristich, P.Maltsev
Use of Vacuum Equipment and Technology in Space Industry The vacuum-process aspects of ground tests of booster-rockets and space vehicles with simulation of real space impacts on the object are considered here. These very tests with simulation of real space factors are of primary importance to ensure reliability and failure-free operation of booster-rockets and space vehicles.
Use of Vacuum Equipment and Technology in Space Industry The vacuum-process aspects of ground tests of booster-rockets and space vehicles with simulation of real space impacts on the object are considered here. These very tests with simulation of real space factors are of primary importance to ensure reliability and failure-free operation of booster-rockets and space vehicles.
Tags: booster-rockets ground tests impacts simulation space vehicles vacuum вакуум воздействие космические аппараты имитация наземные испытания ракеты–носители
D.Kolesov, I.Yaminsky, P.Gorelkin, G.Kisilev
Modeling of Intermolecular Interaction in Nanomechanical Cantilever Systems Nanomechanical cantilever systems have a great potential for studying intermolecular interaction forces. The interaction energy in an adsorbed layer transforms into a static deflection of the cantilever beam. There is suggested a simple method to simulate cantilever deflection, using ready software package for mechanical analysis.
Modeling of Intermolecular Interaction in Nanomechanical Cantilever Systems Nanomechanical cantilever systems have a great potential for studying intermolecular interaction forces. The interaction energy in an adsorbed layer transforms into a static deflection of the cantilever beam. There is suggested a simple method to simulate cantilever deflection, using ready software package for mechanical analysis.
Tags: cantilever dna intermolecular interaction modeling surface stress днк кантилевер межмолекулярное взаимодействие моделирование поверхностное натяжение
Нанотехнологии и образование
Training of Specialists for Nanotechnology Review of the problem of training specialists in nanotechnology taking into account the experience of Moscow Institute of Electron Technology. The peculiarities connected with the interdisciplinary nature of the course, a great rate of new information about new ideas and developments, the need for new forms of education are presented.
Training of Specialists for Nanotechnology Review of the problem of training specialists in nanotechnology taking into account the experience of Moscow Institute of Electron Technology. The peculiarities connected with the interdisciplinary nature of the course, a great rate of new information about new ideas and developments, the need for new forms of education are presented.
O.Sinitsyna, G.Meshkov, I.Yaminsky
Imaging of the Atomic Lattice of Graphite: Ideas for Practical Studies Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) was the first method to allow people to directly observe atoms and point defects in the atomic lattice. Now STM and other probe techniques are widely used in nanotechnology and natural sciences. Scientists from the Advanced Technology Center and Physical Department of Lomonosov MSU have developed a practical course “Imaging of the atomic lattice of graphite.” Graphite was chosen as an object because it has surface physics and chemistry and is a common atomic smooth substrate in STM. The practical course helps students to learn how STM works, how STM-images can be processed, presented, analyzed and how the atomic structure of matter can be investigated by STM. The practical course can be carried out in the remote mode.
Imaging of the Atomic Lattice of Graphite: Ideas for Practical Studies Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) was the first method to allow people to directly observe atoms and point defects in the atomic lattice. Now STM and other probe techniques are widely used in nanotechnology and natural sciences. Scientists from the Advanced Technology Center and Physical Department of Lomonosov MSU have developed a practical course “Imaging of the atomic lattice of graphite.” Graphite was chosen as an object because it has surface physics and chemistry and is a common atomic smooth substrate in STM. The practical course helps students to learn how STM works, how STM-images can be processed, presented, analyzed and how the atomic structure of matter can be investigated by STM. The practical course can be carried out in the remote mode.
Tags: atomic lattice graphite practical studies scanning tunneling microscopy атомная решетка графит практикум сканирующая туннельная микроскопия
There is an idea!
V. Kireev
Nanotechnologies: Fundamental principles and opportunities It is shown on the fundamental Veimarn principle of universality of the colloidal condition of a substance that the colloidal or nanostructured condition can be considered as the fifth modular (phase) condition of a substance, along with solid, liquid, gaseous and plasma. It is shown that it is possible to receive an unlimited set of nanostructured substances and materials with new physical and chemical properties in the form of allotropic or polymorphic modifications from any solid substance or a material.
Nanotechnologies: Fundamental principles and opportunities It is shown on the fundamental Veimarn principle of universality of the colloidal condition of a substance that the colloidal or nanostructured condition can be considered as the fifth modular (phase) condition of a substance, along with solid, liquid, gaseous and plasma. It is shown that it is possible to receive an unlimited set of nanostructured substances and materials with new physical and chemical properties in the form of allotropic or polymorphic modifications from any solid substance or a material.
Tags: methods and means of obtaining new nanostructured substances and nanotechnology the fundamental principle of universality of the colloidal (nano методы и способы получения новых наноструктурированных веществ и нанотехнологии фундаментальный принцип универсальности коллоидного (нанострукту
Issues of patenting
D. Sokolov
Great Scientists: Inventions and Invention It presents views of great scientists on invention activity and describes how they made their inventions. It is believed that these examples will be of interest for inventors, especially, in the field of high technology, creating novel products to optimize cost-quality ratio
Great Scientists: Inventions and Invention It presents views of great scientists on invention activity and describes how they made their inventions. It is believed that these examples will be of interest for inventors, especially, in the field of high technology, creating novel products to optimize cost-quality ratio