Competent opinion
Test & Measurement
D.Kolesov, I.Yaminsky, A.Ahmetova, O.Sinitsyna, G.Meshkov
Cantilever biosensors for detection of viruses and bacteria Cantilever biosensors are a promising platform for development of highly sensitive and selective sensors. The first part of the paper describes the background of the problem, properties of microcantilevers, technologies of their production and biofunctionalisation, and also detection methods.
Cantilever biosensors for detection of viruses and bacteria Cantilever biosensors are a promising platform for development of highly sensitive and selective sensors. The first part of the paper describes the background of the problem, properties of microcantilevers, technologies of their production and biofunctionalisation, and also detection methods.
Tags: biosensor microcantilever scanning probe microscope биосенсор микрокантилевер сканирующий зондовый микроскоп
A.Ahmetova, G.Meshkov, O.Sinitsyna, I.Yami
Metrological assurance in bionanoscopy Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) is successfully transferred from the researches to real production technologies. In this regard, significantly increases the role of metrological support of the SPM.
Metrological assurance in bionanoscopy Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) is successfully transferred from the researches to real production technologies. In this regard, significantly increases the role of metrological support of the SPM.
Tags: bionanoscopy metrology scanning probe microscopy standardization бионаноскопия метрология сканирующая зондовая микроскопия стандартизация
Military nanotechnology
Conferences, Exhibitions, Seminars
M.Samoilovich, A.Belyanin, V.Odinokov, V.Bovtun, M.Kempa, N.Nuzhnyy, M.Savinov
Structure and physical properties of nanocomposites: opal matrix – titanium oxide The conditions for the formation of nanocomposites based on lattice packings SiO2 nanospheres (opal matrices) with crystallites of titanium oxide in interspherical nanospacing are considered. The composition and structure of the nanocomposites were studied by electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. Results of measuring of the frequency dependences of real and imaginary components of the permittivity and microwave conductivity of obtained nanostructures are viewed.
Structure and physical properties of nanocomposites: opal matrix – titanium oxide The conditions for the formation of nanocomposites based on lattice packings SiO2 nanospheres (opal matrices) with crystallites of titanium oxide in interspherical nanospacing are considered. The composition and structure of the nanocomposites were studied by electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. Results of measuring of the frequency dependences of real and imaginary components of the permittivity and microwave conductivity of obtained nanostructures are viewed.
Tags: dielectric properties nanocomposite opal matrix titanium oxide x-ray diffractometry диэлектрические характеристики нанокомпозит оксид титана опаловая матрица рентгеновская дифрактометрия
Ceramics of magnesium oxide nanopowder: preparation and properties The dense and durable ceramics with microhardness up to 13 GPA was created on the basis of nanopowder of magnesium oxide with use of spark plasma sintering (SPS).
Ceramics of magnesium oxide nanopowder: preparation and properties The dense and durable ceramics with microhardness up to 13 GPA was created on the basis of nanopowder of magnesium oxide with use of spark plasma sintering (SPS).
A.Sapronov, N.Buketova, A.Leshchenko
Study of thermal properties of epoxy composites filled with nanoparticles Composites on the basis of bisphenol epoxy resin with the low molecular weight polyethylene polyamine curing agent were studied. As an additive the nano-filler C60 was used. Thermal properties of epoxy composites were investigated.
Study of thermal properties of epoxy composites filled with nanoparticles Composites on the basis of bisphenol epoxy resin with the low molecular weight polyethylene polyamine curing agent were studied. As an additive the nano-filler C60 was used. Thermal properties of epoxy composites were investigated.
China’s achievements in field of nanotechnology Chinese scientists are actively involved in nanotechnology development. This article describes some achievements in areas related to the studies of nanostructures, nanomaterials and the creation of nanodevices.
China’s achievements in field of nanotechnology Chinese scientists are actively involved in nanotechnology development. This article describes some achievements in areas related to the studies of nanostructures, nanomaterials and the creation of nanodevices.
Russian electronic components for extreme conditions: silicon carbide industry founded by LETI The most popular technology when creating SiC-based devices using the absolutely prevalent epitaxial technology is changing the type of adding impurity in the reactor without its "decompression", directly during
the epitaxial growth. The modern epitaxial reactor owned by LETI enables this process, including
the automatic loading of substrates.
Russian electronic components for extreme conditions: silicon carbide industry founded by LETI The most popular technology when creating SiC-based devices using the absolutely prevalent epitaxial technology is changing the type of adding impurity in the reactor without its "decompression", directly during
the epitaxial growth. The modern epitaxial reactor owned by LETI enables this process, including
the automatic loading of substrates.
Tags: electronic components microelectronics nanoelectronics silicon carbide карбид кремния микроэлектроника наноэлектроника электронная компонентная база
I.Vasiliev, A.Chuprin
Development of a piezoelectric energy harvester for navigation support of railway transport Investigation of vibration parameters of the freight cars is presented. Several designs of piezoelectric energy harvester are proposed for the efficient conversion of mechanical vibrations into electrical power. Based on experimental studies a comparison of different types and designs of energy harvester is performed. The amount of energy required for wireless transceiver for monitoring location of a vehicle is evaluated. Obtained data can be used for development of production technology of the piezoelectric energy harvester to provide autonomous power supply for freight cars.
Development of a piezoelectric energy harvester for navigation support of railway transport Investigation of vibration parameters of the freight cars is presented. Several designs of piezoelectric energy harvester are proposed for the efficient conversion of mechanical vibrations into electrical power. Based on experimental studies a comparison of different types and designs of energy harvester is performed. The amount of energy required for wireless transceiver for monitoring location of a vehicle is evaluated. Obtained data can be used for development of production technology of the piezoelectric energy harvester to provide autonomous power supply for freight cars.
Tags: energy conversion piezoelectric element piezoelectric energy harvester renewable energy возобновляемые источники энергии преобразование энергии пьезоэлектрический генератор тока пьезоэлемент
A.Kondrashin, A.Lyamin, V.Sleptsov
4D-technologies for production of three-dimensional integrated circuits Main types, the possibilities, advantages and disadvantages of liquid and gas-phase (dry) 3D MID technologies are considered.
4D-technologies for production of three-dimensional integrated circuits Main types, the possibilities, advantages and disadvantages of liquid and gas-phase (dry) 3D MID technologies are considered.