Competent opinion
Space debris monitoring. Problems and solutions The analytical review of the problems of space debris monitoring of near-Earth space was based on the author’s speeches at the Eastern Economic Forum (Vladivostok) in 2016 and 2017, at meetings of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences on January 15, 2019 and the Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Space May 11, 2018 ( Moscow) on various aspects of the sustainable development of space activities: preventing and minimization the creating space debris, monitoring the natural and technogenic situation in the space, threats counteraction, including the ones associated with the space pollution.
Space debris monitoring. Problems and solutions The analytical review of the problems of space debris monitoring of near-Earth space was based on the author’s speeches at the Eastern Economic Forum (Vladivostok) in 2016 and 2017, at meetings of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences on January 15, 2019 and the Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Space May 11, 2018 ( Moscow) on various aspects of the sustainable development of space activities: preventing and minimization the creating space debris, monitoring the natural and technogenic situation in the space, threats counteraction, including the ones associated with the space pollution.
I.V.Yaminsky, А.I.Аkhmetova
School needs femtoscan Getting into the top 10 global rankings on the quality of general education requires the involvement of all participants in the educational process and a special approach. Technological challenges are becoming more complex, and the trend towards miniaturization will not reach the limit in the coming decades. The electronic boards reach the nanometer size, the positioning accuracy and the precision of CNC machining reach a submicron level. In such conditions, the ability to use high-precision equipment, such as a scanning probe microscope, becomes an integral part of school education.
School needs femtoscan Getting into the top 10 global rankings on the quality of general education requires the involvement of all participants in the educational process and a special approach. Technological challenges are becoming more complex, and the trend towards miniaturization will not reach the limit in the coming decades. The electronic boards reach the nanometer size, the positioning accuracy and the precision of CNC machining reach a submicron level. In such conditions, the ability to use high-precision equipment, such as a scanning probe microscope, becomes an integral part of school education.
I.V.Yaminsky, А.I.Аkhmetova, G.B.Meshkov, F.Salehi
FemtoScan in Tehran The results of the cooperation of scientists from Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Sharif University of Technology (Tehran, Iran) are presented. A master class on probe microscopy was held in Tehran for students, graduate students and researchers. Samples of graphene oxide and thin iron oxide films were studied by scanning probe microscopy in the framework of the project "Initiation of Local Chemical Reactions in deposited thin films using scanning probe microscopy".
FemtoScan in Tehran The results of the cooperation of scientists from Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Sharif University of Technology (Tehran, Iran) are presented. A master class on probe microscopy was held in Tehran for students, graduate students and researchers. Samples of graphene oxide and thin iron oxide films were studied by scanning probe microscopy in the framework of the project "Initiation of Local Chemical Reactions in deposited thin films using scanning probe microscopy".
Issues of patenting
New rules for submission Of applications for inventions The article discusses the changes in the rules for the preparation of applications for inventions, noted that it simplified, complicated this work, and also showed how to solve new problems.
Considered in detail the most important provisions of the Rules relating to the preparation of applications for inventions. For each provision, explanations are given and tips are given on how to best complete these Sections. Particular attention is paid to clarifying the essence of the section "Disclosure of the invention", "Implementation of the invention" and "Requirements for the claims".
New rules for submission Of applications for inventions The article discusses the changes in the rules for the preparation of applications for inventions, noted that it simplified, complicated this work, and also showed how to solve new problems.
Considered in detail the most important provisions of the Rules relating to the preparation of applications for inventions. For each provision, explanations are given and tips are given on how to best complete these Sections. Particular attention is paid to clarifying the essence of the section "Disclosure of the invention", "Implementation of the invention" and "Requirements for the claims".
D.V.Davydova, N.V.Tarasova, I.A.Djyakov, Yu.V Litovka
Modification of galvanic coating "tin-bismuth" by carbon nanotubes to improve the corrosive resistance The article presents research results of the effect of carbon nanotubes (trade mark "Taunit") on corrosion characteristics of electroplating coating with a tin-bismuth alloy (Sn–Bi) in 0,1 mol Na2SO4 solution. It was shown that additives reduce the corrosion potential down to 54%.
It was registered that carbon nanotubes "Taunit" in the content of the "tin-bismuth" deposition alloy electrolyte on copper demonstrate the inhibiting effect, thus expanding the area of the passive state of copper, which leads to increase in the corrosion resistance effect of the coatings.
The obtained results revealed that the corrosion current in the presence of CNT in comparison with the coating obtained without the CNT additive drops by 99%, and the potential of the corrosion shifts into the positive area. At the concentration of 50 mg/l of the CNT "Taunit" in the electrolyte maximum values of corrosion resistance are achieved.
Modification of galvanic coating "tin-bismuth" by carbon nanotubes to improve the corrosive resistance The article presents research results of the effect of carbon nanotubes (trade mark "Taunit") on corrosion characteristics of electroplating coating with a tin-bismuth alloy (Sn–Bi) in 0,1 mol Na2SO4 solution. It was shown that additives reduce the corrosion potential down to 54%.
It was registered that carbon nanotubes "Taunit" in the content of the "tin-bismuth" deposition alloy electrolyte on copper demonstrate the inhibiting effect, thus expanding the area of the passive state of copper, which leads to increase in the corrosion resistance effect of the coatings.
The obtained results revealed that the corrosion current in the presence of CNT in comparison with the coating obtained without the CNT additive drops by 99%, and the potential of the corrosion shifts into the positive area. At the concentration of 50 mg/l of the CNT "Taunit" in the electrolyte maximum values of corrosion resistance are achieved.
Tags: carbon nanomaterial corrosion current corrosion resistance electroplating sn–bi sulfuric tinning tin-bismuth coating коррозионная стойкость покрытие олово-висмут сернокислое лужение углеродный наноматериал
V.A.Kuznetsov, B.Ch.Kholkhoev, V.G.Makotchenko, A.N.Lavrov, Ye.N.Gorenskaya, A.S.Berdinsky, V.F.Burdukovskii, A.I.Romanenko, V.Ye.Fedorov
Composite tensoresistive materials based on polybenzimidazole matrix Studied are the film composite materials based on the polymer polybenzimidazole matrix with nano-structured carbon fillers. As a matrix the poly[2,2’-(p-oxydiphenylen)-5,5’-bisbenzimidazole] (OPBI) has been used. Graphite nanoplates and few-layered graphene were applied as the fillers. Piezoresistive effect in the film composite samples, strain gauge factor and endurance were studied experimentally. It is shown that the strain gauge factor does not depend on the concentration of filler and, on the average, equal 15 (for FLG composites) and 13 (for GNP composites) within the error. It was found that strain gauge factor of the samples does not change up to 100,000 alternating loading cycles. Temperature dependences of electrical resistance of composite samples have been measured and analyzed. It has been established that the main insulating polymer gaps between the carbon filler nanoparticles make the main contribution to the electrical resistance and conduction mechanism is tunneling between the particles.
Composite tensoresistive materials based on polybenzimidazole matrix Studied are the film composite materials based on the polymer polybenzimidazole matrix with nano-structured carbon fillers. As a matrix the poly[2,2’-(p-oxydiphenylen)-5,5’-bisbenzimidazole] (OPBI) has been used. Graphite nanoplates and few-layered graphene were applied as the fillers. Piezoresistive effect in the film composite samples, strain gauge factor and endurance were studied experimentally. It is shown that the strain gauge factor does not depend on the concentration of filler and, on the average, equal 15 (for FLG composites) and 13 (for GNP composites) within the error. It was found that strain gauge factor of the samples does not change up to 100,000 alternating loading cycles. Temperature dependences of electrical resistance of composite samples have been measured and analyzed. It has been established that the main insulating polymer gaps between the carbon filler nanoparticles make the main contribution to the electrical resistance and conduction mechanism is tunneling between the particles.
Tags: composite films electron transport few-layered grapheme (flg) graphite nanoplates (gnp) polybenzimidazole (opbi) strain gauge factor графитовые нанопластины композиционные пленки коэффициент тензочувствительности малослойный графен полибензимидазол электронный транспорт
B.G.Gribov, K.V.Zinoviev, O.N.Kalashnik, S.G.Dorofeev, N.N.Kononov, N.N.Gerasimenko, D.I.Smirnov, V.N.Sukhanov, L.S.Sukhanova, V.A.Chetverikov, M.A.Shermetova
Multilayer silicon nanostructures as micropower sources of energy Multilayer structures composed of metal / silicon / metal based on Si-nanoparticles have been investigated. Studied is a possibility of such structures to generate electricity due to interaction of nano-silicon and water present in atmospheric air. The prospect of using multilayer Si-nanostructures as an elementary cell of micro-power batteries is shown.
Multilayer silicon nanostructures as micropower sources of energy Multilayer structures composed of metal / silicon / metal based on Si-nanoparticles have been investigated. Studied is a possibility of such structures to generate electricity due to interaction of nano-silicon and water present in atmospheric air. The prospect of using multilayer Si-nanostructures as an elementary cell of micro-power batteries is shown.
Tags: disproportionation of sio electrophoresis; barrier layer; proton conductivity multilayer structure si-nanoparticles многослойная структура; наночастицы кремния; диспропорционирован
N.M.Murashova, E.S.Trofimova, Е.V.Yurtov
Dynamics of scientific publications on the using of nanoparticles and nanostructures for targeted drug delivery Publications dynamics based on the ScienceDirect scientific database for the period from 1997 to 2016 was analyzed for the areas related to the use of nanoparticles and nanostructures for targeted drug delivery. The most dynamically developing areas of research were identified.
According to the data presented in the article, most popular nowadays (i.e. characterized by the rapid growth of the number of publications and the large total number of applications) there are such areas of research as the application for targeted drug delivery of magnetic nanoparticles, silica nanoparticles, polymer nanoparticles, solid lipid nanoparticles, dendrimers, polymeric micelles and micelles of surfactants. It can be predicted that in the nearest 10 to 20 years these areas of research will develop further and probably with the lower speed growth of the number of publications which is indicative of the areas of research from the first group.
Dynamics of scientific publications on the using of nanoparticles and nanostructures for targeted drug delivery Publications dynamics based on the ScienceDirect scientific database for the period from 1997 to 2016 was analyzed for the areas related to the use of nanoparticles and nanostructures for targeted drug delivery. The most dynamically developing areas of research were identified.
According to the data presented in the article, most popular nowadays (i.e. characterized by the rapid growth of the number of publications and the large total number of applications) there are such areas of research as the application for targeted drug delivery of magnetic nanoparticles, silica nanoparticles, polymer nanoparticles, solid lipid nanoparticles, dendrimers, polymeric micelles and micelles of surfactants. It can be predicted that in the nearest 10 to 20 years these areas of research will develop further and probably with the lower speed growth of the number of publications which is indicative of the areas of research from the first group.