Competent opinion
Test & Measurement
U.Schmidt, K.Hollricher
Correlative high-resolution Raman-AFM-SNOM imaging Combination of atomic force microscopy, scanning near-field microscopy and confocal Raman imaging enables nondestructive, physical and chemical characterization of heterogeneous materials at high resolution.
Correlative high-resolution Raman-AFM-SNOM imaging Combination of atomic force microscopy, scanning near-field microscopy and confocal Raman imaging enables nondestructive, physical and chemical characterization of heterogeneous materials at high resolution.
Tags: atomic force microscopy raman imaging scanning near-field microscopy атомно-силовая микроскопия конфокальная рамановская спектроскопия сканирующая ближнепольная оптическая микроскопия
I.Maslenikov, E.Gladkih, A.Useinov, V.Reshetov, B.Loginov
Obtaining of three-dimensional maps of mechanical properties in dynamic mechanical analysis mode The article describes the method of constructing a three-dimensional map (tomogram) of the distribution of hardness and modulus of elasticity (Young’s modulus) based on dynamic mechanical analysis mode. A thin film of copper on a glass substrate was used as a test object.
Obtaining of three-dimensional maps of mechanical properties in dynamic mechanical analysis mode The article describes the method of constructing a three-dimensional map (tomogram) of the distribution of hardness and modulus of elasticity (Young’s modulus) based on dynamic mechanical analysis mode. A thin film of copper on a glass substrate was used as a test object.
Tags: dynamic mechanical analysis mechanical properties nanoindentation scanning nano-hardness tester динамический механический анализ механические свойства наноиндентирование сканирующий нанотвердомер
I.Yaminsky, A.Filonov, O.Sinitsyna, G.Meshkov
FemtoScan Online software FemtoScan Online software is intended for data processing and imaging in scanning probe microscopy. At the same time many features of this software are highly useful in electronic
and optical microscopy.
FemtoScan Online software FemtoScan Online software is intended for data processing and imaging in scanning probe microscopy. At the same time many features of this software are highly useful in electronic
and optical microscopy.
Tags: image analysis nanotechnology remote management scanning probe microscopy анализ изображений нанотехнологии сканирующая зондовая микроскопия удаленное управление
Military nanotechnology
Military applications of nanotechnology: soldier systems and implanted systems Such issues are discussed as the use of nanotechnology in the development of soldier systems
and implanted systems.
Military applications of nanotechnology: soldier systems and implanted systems Such issues are discussed as the use of nanotechnology in the development of soldier systems
and implanted systems.
Equipment for nanoindustry
V.Bashkov, Y.Mironov, Y.Panfilov, A.Mironova, N.Sedyh, L.Kolesnik, S.Marinich, A.Seleznyv
Facility for electron beam melting, welding and micromachining of electro-vacuum glass The design of facility for electron beam melting, welding and micromachining of electro-vacuum
glass was considered.
Facility for electron beam melting, welding and micromachining of electro-vacuum glass The design of facility for electron beam melting, welding and micromachining of electro-vacuum
glass was considered.
Tags: electron beam processing electro-vacuum glass vacuum equipment вакуумное оборудование электровакуумное стекло электронно-лучевая обработка
K.Vavilin, E.Kralkina, P.Neklyudova, A.Petrov, A.Nikonov, V.Pavlov, A.Ayrapetov, V.Odinokov, G.Pavlov, V.Sologub
Helicon source as element of hybrid plasma system in facility for thin-film coating with controlled nanostructure The paper presents the results of development and optimization of parameters of the experimental facility for coating of various materials based on hybrid plasma system, which consists of a magnetron and vacuum arc sputtering sources and an assisting helicon plasma source.
Helicon source as element of hybrid plasma system in facility for thin-film coating with controlled nanostructure The paper presents the results of development and optimization of parameters of the experimental facility for coating of various materials based on hybrid plasma system, which consists of a magnetron and vacuum arc sputtering sources and an assisting helicon plasma source.
Tags: magnetron sputtering plasma system thin-film coating vacuum equipment вакуумное оборудование магнетронное напыление плазменная система тонкопленочное покрытие
Conferences, Exhibitions, Seminars
A.Ahmetova, V.Shtepa, D.Yaminsky, I.Yaminsky
3D nanotechnology in youth innovation creativity centre of Faculty of Chemistry of Lomonosov MSU The use of 3D printing for creation of scientific instrumentation, modeling and prototyping is studied in the Youth innovation creativity centre of Faculty of Chemistry of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
3D nanotechnology in youth innovation creativity centre of Faculty of Chemistry of Lomonosov MSU The use of 3D printing for creation of scientific instrumentation, modeling and prototyping is studied in the Youth innovation creativity centre of Faculty of Chemistry of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Tags: 3d printing 3d technology 3d-печать 3d-технологии three-dimensional modeling youth innovation creativity centre трехмерное моделирование центр молодежного инновационного творчества
A.Chuprin, R.Gavrilov, S.Generalov, S.Nikiforov
Some promising designs of piezoelectric energy generators The design of single-resonant and broadband piezoelectric energy generators are considered, their key parameters are estimated, the most promising materials and schemes are defined.
Some promising designs of piezoelectric energy generators The design of single-resonant and broadband piezoelectric energy generators are considered, their key parameters are estimated, the most promising materials and schemes are defined.
Tags: piezoelectric generator resonance vibration system вибрационная система пьезогенератор резонанс
S.Nesterov, A.Kholopkin
Evaluation of performance of vacuum tunnel diodes and their use as generator of electricity Theoretical characteristics of vacuum tunnel diodes (VTD) with metal hot electrode and a cold electrode that is made of n-type semiconductor in the temperature range from 300 to 600 K are estimated.
Evaluation of performance of vacuum tunnel diodes and their use as generator of electricity Theoretical characteristics of vacuum tunnel diodes (VTD) with metal hot electrode and a cold electrode that is made of n-type semiconductor in the temperature range from 300 to 600 K are estimated.