Competent opinion
Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center: creating technology startups and developing innovative production Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center is a member of a nanotechnology centers network created by Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs and, along with the incubation of promising startups, it is dynamically developing production company, which specializes in the field of nano- and microelectronics and MEMS.
Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center: creating technology startups and developing innovative production Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center is a member of a nanotechnology centers network created by Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs and, along with the incubation of promising startups, it is dynamically developing production company, which specializes in the field of nano- and microelectronics and MEMS.
Process solutions that are changing semiconductor and electronics industry The development of advanced packaging technologies is changing the semiconductor industry. One of the main innovators in this field is SPTS Technologies, an Orbotech company, that designs and manufactures a wide range of etch and deposition wafer processing systems that are used in the production and packaging of microelectronic devices. Formed in 2009, it brings together over 40 years experience from such companies as Trikon Technologies, STS and Aviza Technology.
Process solutions that are changing semiconductor and electronics industry The development of advanced packaging technologies is changing the semiconductor industry. One of the main innovators in this field is SPTS Technologies, an Orbotech company, that designs and manufactures a wide range of etch and deposition wafer processing systems that are used in the production and packaging of microelectronic devices. Formed in 2009, it brings together over 40 years experience from such companies as Trikon Technologies, STS and Aviza Technology.
Emphasis on biomedical applications and further development of nanoimprint lithography and bonding systems The Austrian EV Group (EVG) has successfully developed solutions for nanoimprint lithography (NIL), which are used in the production of devices and components for optics, electronics or related fields. In 2016, the company announced a special focus on solutions for the biomedical segment, and also presented a number of promising new developments.
Emphasis on biomedical applications and further development of nanoimprint lithography and bonding systems The Austrian EV Group (EVG) has successfully developed solutions for nanoimprint lithography (NIL), which are used in the production of devices and components for optics, electronics or related fields. In 2016, the company announced a special focus on solutions for the biomedical segment, and also presented a number of promising new developments.
Rapid Thermal Processing for R&D and unique thin-film technology Obtaining new materials and structures for semiconductor devices, MEMS, photovoltaics, photonics, etc. requires the use of special process and processing modes. In this regard, the RTP (rapid thermal processing) and direct injection (DLI) for vaporization of liquid precursors for CVD and ALD are of great interest. Solutions for implementation of RTP and DLI-CVD / DLI-ALD are developed and manufactured by the Annealsys company from Montpellier (France).
Rapid Thermal Processing for R&D and unique thin-film technology Obtaining new materials and structures for semiconductor devices, MEMS, photovoltaics, photonics, etc. requires the use of special process and processing modes. In this regard, the RTP (rapid thermal processing) and direct injection (DLI) for vaporization of liquid precursors for CVD and ALD are of great interest. Solutions for implementation of RTP and DLI-CVD / DLI-ALD are developed and manufactured by the Annealsys company from Montpellier (France).
Solutions for R&D and manufacturing of semiconductor devices, MEMS, displays Features of semiconductor devices, MEMS and photonics are largely determined by the quality of the lithographic processes. To learn about trends in the field of lithography processing equipment, we met with Pirmin Muffler, who until recently headed the solar-semi GmbH (Germany), and now has created a new company.
Solutions for R&D and manufacturing of semiconductor devices, MEMS, displays Features of semiconductor devices, MEMS and photonics are largely determined by the quality of the lithographic processes. To learn about trends in the field of lithography processing equipment, we met with Pirmin Muffler, who until recently headed the solar-semi GmbH (Germany), and now has created a new company.
Flexible measurement solutions for semiconductor industry and photovoltaics The Semilab Group is a leader in the field of metrology solutions for the semiconductor industry, photovoltaics and R & D sectors. Semilab was founded in 1989 in Budapest (Hungary) by a group of scientists from the Research Institute for Technical Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Over time, the company took a leading position in the market of equipment for the characterization of semiconductor and photovoltaic materials. This was facilitated by both aggressive internal development and marketing policy,
Flexible measurement solutions for semiconductor industry and photovoltaics The Semilab Group is a leader in the field of metrology solutions for the semiconductor industry, photovoltaics and R & D sectors. Semilab was founded in 1989 in Budapest (Hungary) by a group of scientists from the Research Institute for Technical Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Over time, the company took a leading position in the market of equipment for the characterization of semiconductor and photovoltaic materials. This was facilitated by both aggressive internal development and marketing policy,
Creating successful business for two years: experience of MPI A little over two years ago, a new player – the Taiwanese company MPI – entered the market of probe systems for advanced semiconductor testing. For a short time, MPI has become one of technological leaders and trendsetters in this area. Stojan Kanev, General Manager of the Advanced Semiconductor Test division at MPI, has shared the secrets of such
impressive progress.
Creating successful business for two years: experience of MPI A little over two years ago, a new player – the Taiwanese company MPI – entered the market of probe systems for advanced semiconductor testing. For a short time, MPI has become one of technological leaders and trendsetters in this area. Stojan Kanev, General Manager of the Advanced Semiconductor Test division at MPI, has shared the secrets of such
impressive progress.
Test & Measurement
V.Bykov, V.Polyakov
New solutions for materials science, comprehensive research and testing of materials and structures with high spatial resolution The main stages of development of systems for scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy of nanometer spatial resolution of the Russian production are considered. A new designs of devices of the NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments and new developments in the field of microelectromechanical systems for SPM are presented. Development trends with consideration of the peculiarities of Russia in interrelation with the world market of scientific instrumentation are analysed.
New solutions for materials science, comprehensive research and testing of materials and structures with high spatial resolution The main stages of development of systems for scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy of nanometer spatial resolution of the Russian production are considered. A new designs of devices of the NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments and new developments in the field of microelectromechanical systems for SPM are presented. Development trends with consideration of the peculiarities of Russia in interrelation with the world market of scientific instrumentation are analysed.
Tags: atomic force microscopy ir spectroscopy raman spectroscopy scanning probe microscopy атомно-силовая микроскопия ик-спектроскопия рамановская спектроскопия сканирующая зондовая микроскопия
M.Zubasheva, A.Sagitova, Yu.Smirnov, T.Smirnova, R.Azizbekyan, V.Zhukhovitsky, I.Yaminsky
Ultrastructural analysis of Brevibacillus laterosporus bacterial cells using electron and atomic force microscopy The article presents experimental data of the electron and atomic force microscopy of Brevibacillus laterosporus spores. The size and structure of the spores and canoe-shaped inclusions are determined. B. laterosporus strains with insecticidal properties can be used for the prevention of infectious diseases transmitted by insect bites.
Ultrastructural analysis of Brevibacillus laterosporus bacterial cells using electron and atomic force microscopy The article presents experimental data of the electron and atomic force microscopy of Brevibacillus laterosporus spores. The size and structure of the spores and canoe-shaped inclusions are determined. B. laterosporus strains with insecticidal properties can be used for the prevention of infectious diseases transmitted by insect bites.
Tags: atomic force microscopy bacterial spores crystals disputes electron microscopy insecticide scanning probe microscopy атомно-силовая микроскопия инсектицид кристаллы сканирующая зондовая микроскопия споры электронная микроскопия
R.Karakulov, V.Odinokov, V.Panin, A.Shubnikov, D.Vladimirov, S.Vladimirov, A.Golubtsov
Magna TM 7 magnetron sputtering system in creation of thin-film microwave hybrid ICs Представлена новая разработка ОАО "НИИ точного машиностроения" – вакуумная установка
"Магна ТМ 7". Рассмотрены ее устройство и принцип работы. На установке получены тонкие резистивные пленки на прямоугольных поликоровых пластинах ВК-100-1 магнетронным распылением дисковых мишеней диаметром 100 мм из материалов РС3710 и РС5406. Четырехзондовым методом установлено, что значения удельного поверхностного сопротивления полученных пленочных резисторов могут достигать 100 Ом/кв.
Magna TM 7 magnetron sputtering system in creation of thin-film microwave hybrid ICs Представлена новая разработка ОАО "НИИ точного машиностроения" – вакуумная установка
"Магна ТМ 7". Рассмотрены ее устройство и принцип работы. На установке получены тонкие резистивные пленки на прямоугольных поликоровых пластинах ВК-100-1 магнетронным распылением дисковых мишеней диаметром 100 мм из материалов РС3710 и РС5406. Четырехзондовым методом установлено, что значения удельного поверхностного сопротивления полученных пленочных резисторов могут достигать 100 Ом/кв.
Tags: magnetron sputtering resistive thin films thin film technology магнетронное распыление резистивные тонкие пленки тонкопленочная технология
Military and space technology
E.Kuznetsov, A.Saurov
Hardware Trojans. Part 4: software and hardware countermeasures In the final part of the cycle of review articles devoted to Hardware Trojans problems of maintaining system secure operation in the presence of Hardware Trojans are considered. To date no general countermeasures have yet been developed or proposed that would allow an IC to operate in a trustworthy manner in the presence of an arbitrary Hardware Trojan. Some aspects of such protection, details of its implementation and analyzing the general applicability of the countermeasures are discussed.
Hardware Trojans. Part 4: software and hardware countermeasures In the final part of the cycle of review articles devoted to Hardware Trojans problems of maintaining system secure operation in the presence of Hardware Trojans are considered. To date no general countermeasures have yet been developed or proposed that would allow an IC to operate in a trustworthy manner in the presence of an arbitrary Hardware Trojan. Some aspects of such protection, details of its implementation and analyzing the general applicability of the countermeasures are discussed.
Tags: cyber security hardware backdoor hardware trojan integrated circuit malicious modification аппаратная закладка аппаратный троян интегральная схема кибербезопасность несанкционированная модификация
История успеха
A.Akhmetova, I.Yaminsky
20 years since FemtoScan shows atoms Advanced Technologies Center is involved in probe microscopy and has been studying nanometer materials and biological objects since its foundation in September 1990. During this time the company has developed such new innovative areas as 3D positioning, metal processing, prototyping and designing of high-tech devices for detection of pathogenic particles.
20 years since FemtoScan shows atoms Advanced Technologies Center is involved in probe microscopy and has been studying nanometer materials and biological objects since its foundation in September 1990. During this time the company has developed such new innovative areas as 3D positioning, metal processing, prototyping and designing of high-tech devices for detection of pathogenic particles.
A.Sapronov, N.Buketova
Study of thermal degradation in epoxy composites filled with fullerene C60 The thermal stability of the epoxy nanocomposites is investigated by thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis. On the basis of IR spectral analysis, the temperature ranges of structural changes that directly affect the thermal properties of the developed materials are determined.
Study of thermal degradation in epoxy composites filled with fullerene C60 The thermal stability of the epoxy nanocomposites is investigated by thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis. On the basis of IR spectral analysis, the temperature ranges of structural changes that directly affect the thermal properties of the developed materials are determined.
Tags: degradation heat resistance ir spectral analysis nanocomposite деструкция ик-спектральный анализ нанокомпозит термостойкость
V.Lysenko, A.Anisimov, V.Mali, V.Emelkin, G.Pozdnyakov, G.Trubacheev
Creation of dense samples of nickel and silver nanopowders by SPS method Mechanical properties of samples of the nanodispersed powders of nickel and silver created by spark plasma sintering are investigated.
Creation of dense samples of nickel and silver nanopowders by SPS method Mechanical properties of samples of the nanodispersed powders of nickel and silver created by spark plasma sintering are investigated.