Competent opinion
Technology transfer centers as a tool for technological development of the regions Центры трансфера технологий – очередное модное слово или действенный инструмент инновационного развития? Действительно ли это – новый подход, способный в постиндустриальную эпоху привнести принципиально новое качество в экономику регионов и России в целом? Генеральный директор компании "ЭлТех СПб", к.ф.-м.н. А.В.Трошин не просто знает, для чего нужны центры трансфера технологий. Возглавляемая им компания сама несколько раз выступала в этой роли, имеет опыт успешно реализованных крупных проектов. Как сделать центры трансфера технологий глобальным инструментом, какие задачи они должны решать, на каких принципах строиться – об этом наш разговор с Алексеем Валерьевичем Трошиным
Technology transfer centers as a tool for technological development of the regions Центры трансфера технологий – очередное модное слово или действенный инструмент инновационного развития? Действительно ли это – новый подход, способный в постиндустриальную эпоху привнести принципиально новое качество в экономику регионов и России в целом? Генеральный директор компании "ЭлТех СПб", к.ф.-м.н. А.В.Трошин не просто знает, для чего нужны центры трансфера технологий. Возглавляемая им компания сама несколько раз выступала в этой роли, имеет опыт успешно реализованных крупных проектов. Как сделать центры трансфера технологий глобальным инструментом, какие задачи они должны решать, на каких принципах строиться – об этом наш разговор с Алексеем Валерьевичем Трошиным
Tags: innovative development region technology transfer centers инновационное развитие регион центры трансфера технологий
Dynamics of the companies’ development. Acquiring of competitive advantages The situation in the market tells negatively on both companies with billions of turnover and small businesses. One of the main factors of success is the timeliness of introduction of a product in the market, naturally, it should be of a quality. Here we have some kind of a triad: idea–prototype–mass product. Competition is going on, who will faster develop a higher quality product demanding in the market. This question is discussed in the article of Tronic Co.
Dynamics of the companies’ development. Acquiring of competitive advantages The situation in the market tells negatively on both companies with billions of turnover and small businesses. One of the main factors of success is the timeliness of introduction of a product in the market, naturally, it should be of a quality. Here we have some kind of a triad: idea–prototype–mass product. Competition is going on, who will faster develop a higher quality product demanding in the market. This question is discussed in the article of Tronic Co.
Tags: factor of success product demanding in the market timeliness of introduction of a product in the market triad востребованный рынком продукт триада успеха время выхода продукта на рынок фактор
Industrial nanotechnologies
A. Bugaev, Yu.Fedorov, R.Khabibullin, D.Ponomarev, G.Galiev
IUHFSE RASDevelopment of Semiconductor Devices for the Terahertz Frequency Range The spectral range (0.5÷10 THz or 600÷30 µm) is located in the frequency scale between the microwave range, in which mainly high-frequency semiconductors and radio valves work, and IR range, where optical devices function. Development of THz devices can change the principles and approaches in the field of early medical diagnostics and therapies of chronic diseases. The demand for the technologies is also due to counteraction to terrorism. Besides, motor, aviation and space industries demand more and more sophisticated systems of nondestructive testing and location.
IUHFSE RASDevelopment of Semiconductor Devices for the Terahertz Frequency Range The spectral range (0.5÷10 THz or 600÷30 µm) is located in the frequency scale between the microwave range, in which mainly high-frequency semiconductors and radio valves work, and IR range, where optical devices function. Development of THz devices can change the principles and approaches in the field of early medical diagnostics and therapies of chronic diseases. The demand for the technologies is also due to counteraction to terrorism. Besides, motor, aviation and space industries demand more and more sophisticated systems of nondestructive testing and location.
Tags: counteraction to terrorism early medical diagnostics high-frequency semiconductors thz devices высокочастотные полупроводниковые и тгц-приборы медицинская диагностика противодействие терроризму
Clean Room Facilities from Pharmstrong Co. On September, 3rd, 2013, Russian Membranes Nanotech Plant, one of the largest construction objects of Pharmstrong Co., was commissioned. Since 2005 the company, which employs over 600 specialists, has implemented more than 100 projects in 30 cities of Russia and CIS countries, designed and constructed industrial premises with total floor space over a million m2, including clean room .
Clean Room Facilities from Pharmstrong Co. On September, 3rd, 2013, Russian Membranes Nanotech Plant, one of the largest construction objects of Pharmstrong Co., was commissioned. Since 2005 the company, which employs over 600 specialists, has implemented more than 100 projects in 30 cities of Russia and CIS countries, designed and constructed industrial premises with total floor space over a million m2, including clean room .
Tags: clean room construction object hi-tech manufacture высокотехнологичные производства строительный объект чистые помещения
S.Chigirinsky, V.Chernykh, E.Shtupar
Specific Features of Screen Printing and Package Assemblage of Unburnt Ceramics Ceramics for electronics evoke great interest in Russia, which is due to the characteristics of the material and universality of its processing. In particular, it is used for manufacture of components and devices, including microwave frequency devices, cases and multi-layer condensers. This is the topic for discussion in the article by Ostek Co.
Specific Features of Screen Printing and Package Assemblage of Unburnt Ceramics Ceramics for electronics evoke great interest in Russia, which is due to the characteristics of the material and universality of its processing. In particular, it is used for manufacture of components and devices, including microwave frequency devices, cases and multi-layer condensers. This is the topic for discussion in the article by Ostek Co.
Tags: low temperature and high temperature co-fired ceramics mechanical repeatability multi-layer condensers screen shift керамика многослойные конденсаторы повторяемость трафарет
Test & Measurement
E.Pechnikova, T.Stanisheva-Konovalova, O.Volokh, O.Sokolova
Increase of Contrast for Studies of Bionanoparticles Obtaining of high-resolution images of the structure of biological nanoparticles becomes important with development of bionanotechnology. The methods used for this purpose are X-ray structure analysis, nuclear-magnetic resonance, spin marks and also luminescent and spectroscopic methods. In the recent decade the transmission electron microscopy has been actively applied. The authors of the review discuss the increasing the image contrast for the studies of bionanoparticles.
Increase of Contrast for Studies of Bionanoparticles Obtaining of high-resolution images of the structure of biological nanoparticles becomes important with development of bionanotechnology. The methods used for this purpose are X-ray structure analysis, nuclear-magnetic resonance, spin marks and also luminescent and spectroscopic methods. In the recent decade the transmission electron microscopy has been actively applied. The authors of the review discuss the increasing the image contrast for the studies of bionanoparticles.
Tags: biological nanoparticle nuclear-magnetic resonance spin marks luminescent and spectroscopic methods structure transmission electron microscopy x-ray structure analysis биологическая наночастица люминисценцентные и спектроскопические методы просвечивающая микроскопия рентгеноструктурный анализ спиновые метки структура ядерно-магнитный резонанс
V.Koval, K.Moiseyev, V.Papko, S.Rozanov
Modeling of the Vacuum of Space in the Ground Tests of Nanoengineering Objects The feature of the outer space (OS) is an unlimited absorption of gases emitting from a space vehicle (SV), which is comparable with a vacuum pump with an infinite speed of pumpdown. Batteries, friction units and other SV elements must function reliably in the open OS. This calls for a necessity of an experimental testing of their operability in SV. Intech Analytics Co. with HSR AG (Liechtenstein) are the developers of complexes for imitation of the OS in laboratory conditions, which is the topic of the presented material
Modeling of the Vacuum of Space in the Ground Tests of Nanoengineering Objects The feature of the outer space (OS) is an unlimited absorption of gases emitting from a space vehicle (SV), which is comparable with a vacuum pump with an infinite speed of pumpdown. Batteries, friction units and other SV elements must function reliably in the open OS. This calls for a necessity of an experimental testing of their operability in SV. Intech Analytics Co. with HSR AG (Liechtenstein) are the developers of complexes for imitation of the OS in laboratory conditions, which is the topic of the presented material
Tags: experimental testing filler outer space vacuum of space космические вакуум и пространство наполнитель проверка
For technologist & scientist
S. Petrov
SemiTEq Versatile Magnetron Sputtering Systems Development of nanotechnologies stimulates interest to thin films deposition, which are widely used in microelectronics, nanophotonics, optics and optoelectronics, spaceindustries for creation of strengthening, light-reflecting, dielectric and conducting coatings. Magnetron sputtering deposition of thin-films in vacuum is the most popular technology in this field today. Its main advantages are the high process speed and accuracy of sputtering material composition reproduction .
SemiTEq Versatile Magnetron Sputtering Systems Development of nanotechnologies stimulates interest to thin films deposition, which are widely used in microelectronics, nanophotonics, optics and optoelectronics, spaceindustries for creation of strengthening, light-reflecting, dielectric and conducting coatings. Magnetron sputtering deposition of thin-films in vacuum is the most popular technology in this field today. Its main advantages are the high process speed and accuracy of sputtering material composition reproduction .
Tags: accuracy of sputtering material magnetron sputtering deposition thin-films воспроизведение магнетронное осаждение тонкопленочные покрытия
Setting trends in nanopositioning technology. six-axis levitating platform PIMAG 6D Development of modern technologies for precision instrument making requires precision positioning systems. Miniaturization of the electronic component and improvement of the technical parameters of the equipment demand changes in the technological processes, particularly, in positioning. The leading roles in solving the tasks of movement in the micro- and nanometer ranges belong to the drives based on the piezoelectric effect. Physik Instrumente GmbH& Co.KG develops a new direction in nanopositioning, which is based on the effect of a magnetic levitation
Setting trends in nanopositioning technology. six-axis levitating platform PIMAG 6D Development of modern technologies for precision instrument making requires precision positioning systems. Miniaturization of the electronic component and improvement of the technical parameters of the equipment demand changes in the technological processes, particularly, in positioning. The leading roles in solving the tasks of movement in the micro- and nanometer ranges belong to the drives based on the piezoelectric effect. Physik Instrumente GmbH& Co.KG develops a new direction in nanopositioning, which is based on the effect of a magnetic levitation
Tags: high-precision instrument magnetic levitation making drives on the piezoelectric effect магнитная левитация приводы на пьезо-эффекте точное приборостроние
Hiden Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers For over 30 years Hiden Analytical Ltd. has been a leader in development and manufacture of devices on the basis of quadrupole mass spectrometers for scientific and applied researches. Hiden mass spectrometers got a world recognition for their accuracy and high parameters of the residual gases, plasma technologies and surface researches.
Hiden Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers For over 30 years Hiden Analytical Ltd. has been a leader in development and manufacture of devices on the basis of quadrupole mass spectrometers for scientific and applied researches. Hiden mass spectrometers got a world recognition for their accuracy and high parameters of the residual gases, plasma technologies and surface researches.
Tags: analysis of the residual gases quadrupole mass spectrometers surface researches исследования поверхностей квадрупольные масс-спектрометры остаточные газы
Нанотехнологии и образование
P.Afanasyev, O.Bokhov., V.Luchinin
Scientific-technological complex of express prototyping of products of flexible electronics and photonics The purpose of the work is presentation of the scientific-technological basis for development of micro- and nano-technologies formed by the S.-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (LETI) and Joint-Stock Company Interuniversity Center for Prototyping and Contract Manufacture of Micro- and Nano-technique. The idea of it is based on flexibility and three-dimensionality of a substrate, heterogeneity or convergence of the employed compositions and a multidisciplinary organic-inorganic interface.
Scientific-technological complex of express prototyping of products of flexible electronics and photonics The purpose of the work is presentation of the scientific-technological basis for development of micro- and nano-technologies formed by the S.-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (LETI) and Joint-Stock Company Interuniversity Center for Prototyping and Contract Manufacture of Micro- and Nano-technique. The idea of it is based on flexibility and three-dimensionality of a substrate, heterogeneity or convergence of the employed compositions and a multidisciplinary organic-inorganic interface.
Tags: contract manufacture of micro- and nano-technique flexibility t-dimensionality of a substrate prototyping гибкость 3d-подложек контрактное производство микро- и нанотехники прототипирование
There is an idea!
A.Vokhidov, L.Dobrovolsky, M.Malkov, A.Misyuryayev
Multipurpose nanofilms for the agro-industrial complex Many publications are penetrated with concern about the future of our planet, which, however, has a chance to withstand challenges, as a global climate change, depletion of the natural mineral resources, risk of collision with an asteroid and decrease of agricultural production, which force the world community to look for ways to counter these threats. According to experts, nanotechnologies are one of the ways.
Multipurpose nanofilms for the agro-industrial complex Many publications are penetrated with concern about the future of our planet, which, however, has a chance to withstand challenges, as a global climate change, depletion of the natural mineral resources, risk of collision with an asteroid and decrease of agricultural production, which force the world community to look for ways to counter these threats. According to experts, nanotechnologies are one of the ways.
Tags: a global climate change decrease of agricultural production depletion of the natural mineral resources risk of collision with an asteroid возможность столкновения с астероидами глобальное изменение климата исчерпание природных ископаемых сокращение производства сельхозпродукции
Issues of patenting
Certain issues of Patent Protection in Russia In Russia the number of patents per million of population is roughly 2.5 times less than in Australia and 20 times less than in Japan. This could have been explained by an insufficient financing of science, but Russian inventors get 1.46 patents per one million of the budget allocations, while in Belarus this figure is equal to 3.15 and in South Korea – 4.6. By the number of patents issued in a year Russia yields to Germany 2 times and to the USA – 8.2-8.9 times Besides, an annual decrease of the number of Russian inventions in relation to the foreign patents protected in Russia equals to 20%
Certain issues of Patent Protection in Russia In Russia the number of patents per million of population is roughly 2.5 times less than in Australia and 20 times less than in Japan. This could have been explained by an insufficient financing of science, but Russian inventors get 1.46 patents per one million of the budget allocations, while in Belarus this figure is equal to 3.15 and in South Korea – 4.6. By the number of patents issued in a year Russia yields to Germany 2 times and to the USA – 8.2-8.9 times Besides, an annual decrease of the number of Russian inventions in relation to the foreign patents protected in Russia equals to 20%
Tags: an insufficient financing of science foreign patents protected in russia the budget allocation бюджетные ассигнования защищенные в рф зарубежные патенты недостаточное финансирование науки
V.Potapov, A.Kashutin, A.Ostrikov, K.Shalayev
Nanosilica, an additive for improvement of the kerbstone products The presented work describes how nanosilica additive is used for improvement of the kerbstone products. The initial material for obtaining of the nanosilica sol is the separate from Mutnovskaya Geo-Power Station, a liquid state of a heat-carrier separated from vapor in separators.
Nanosilica, an additive for improvement of the kerbstone products The presented work describes how nanosilica additive is used for improvement of the kerbstone products. The initial material for obtaining of the nanosilica sol is the separate from Mutnovskaya Geo-Power Station, a liquid state of a heat-carrier separated from vapor in separators.
Tags: kerbstone liquid state of a heat-carrier nanosilica sol separator бордюр жидкая фаза теплоносителя золь кремнезема сепарат
A.Pyrikov, V. Zolotareva
Epoxy polymers filled with nanopowders Attention of researchers is attracted to nano-sized fillers for polymeric composites. The materials have unique physical-mechanical, electric and tribotechnical properties. At the same time little is written about the influence of nanopowders on the properties of epoxy polymers. Thereupon, authors of the article undertake attempt to fill in the above gap.
Epoxy polymers filled with nanopowders Attention of researchers is attracted to nano-sized fillers for polymeric composites. The materials have unique physical-mechanical, electric and tribotechnical properties. At the same time little is written about the influence of nanopowders on the properties of epoxy polymers. Thereupon, authors of the article undertake attempt to fill in the above gap.