Competent opinion
R.Pschenitschnigg, U.Gantner, S.Pleier
Vacuum components for high-end applications VAT Vacuumvalves AG was founded in 1964 by Siegfried Schertler in the town of Flawil next to St.Gallen (Switzerland). Later the company moved its premises to Haag in the municipality of Sennwald in the Rhine valley. In the beginning the market focus was on scientific research. At present, VAT is a global leader in the development and manufacturing of vacuum valves, modules, bellows, and related services for the semiconductor and vacuum coating industries as well as for the research sector. The company employs over 1,100 people worldwide with a fifth of the staff working in research and product development. Their views on the challenges of the market and strong points of the company share Ronald Pschenitschnigg, Head of Global Services, Urs Gantner, Head of Business Unit SEMI, and Dr. Stefan Pleier, Head of Product Management & Development.
Vacuum components for high-end applications VAT Vacuumvalves AG was founded in 1964 by Siegfried Schertler in the town of Flawil next to St.Gallen (Switzerland). Later the company moved its premises to Haag in the municipality of Sennwald in the Rhine valley. In the beginning the market focus was on scientific research. At present, VAT is a global leader in the development and manufacturing of vacuum valves, modules, bellows, and related services for the semiconductor and vacuum coating industries as well as for the research sector. The company employs over 1,100 people worldwide with a fifth of the staff working in research and product development. Their views on the challenges of the market and strong points of the company share Ronald Pschenitschnigg, Head of Global Services, Urs Gantner, Head of Business Unit SEMI, and Dr. Stefan Pleier, Head of Product Management & Development.
A.Troshin, A.Borukhovich
Rare earth metals and new physics Examining the development of scientific research in physics and chemistry of rare earth elements and their compounds with nonmetals, one can observe the emergence of new research areas in solid-state physics, i.e. magnetic semiconductors, weak superconductivity, strongly correlated systems and, finally, spintronics.
Rare earth metals and new physics Examining the development of scientific research in physics and chemistry of rare earth elements and their compounds with nonmetals, one can observe the emergence of new research areas in solid-state physics, i.e. magnetic semiconductors, weak superconductivity, strongly correlated systems and, finally, spintronics.
V.Verner, E.Kuznetsov, A.Saurov
Fiftieth Anniversary of Moore’s Law: end or revision? In the third part of the article analyzes the perception of the industry community of Moore’s law in the past, present and future.
Fiftieth Anniversary of Moore’s Law: end or revision? In the third part of the article analyzes the perception of the industry community of Moore’s law in the past, present and future.
Tags: dennard’s law integrated circuits microelectronics microprocessor moore’s law закона деннарда закон мура интегральная схема микропроцессор микроэлектроника
S.Abramchuk, A.Akhmetova, L.Kordyukova, O.Sintsyna, D.Yaminsky, I.Yaminsky
Sensor technology of molecular diagnostics for personalized medicine The most important task of modern medicine is the improvement of the nation’s health through the development of precision methods and apparatus for early detection of viral and bacterial pathogens by using physical methods with the required sensitivity. These methods include microcantilever biosensors and scanning probe microscopy.
Sensor technology of molecular diagnostics for personalized medicine The most important task of modern medicine is the improvement of the nation’s health through the development of precision methods and apparatus for early detection of viral and bacterial pathogens by using physical methods with the required sensitivity. These methods include microcantilever biosensors and scanning probe microscopy.
Tags: biosensors cantilevers medical diagnostics scanning probe microscopy viruses биосенсоры вирусы кантилеверы медицинская диагностика сканирующая зондовая микроскопия
W.Schönberger, P.Frach, H.Bartzsch, D.Glöss
Precision coating on an industrial scale: requirements, technologies, equipment Laboratory of precision coatings of Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (Fraunhofer FEP) develops the technologies of film deposition by magnetron sputtering and plasma enhanced CVD for applications in optics, sensors, electronics and other fields.
Precision coating on an industrial scale: requirements, technologies, equipment Laboratory of precision coatings of Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (Fraunhofer FEP) develops the technologies of film deposition by magnetron sputtering and plasma enhanced CVD for applications in optics, sensors, electronics and other fields.
Tags: magnetron sputtering plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition thin-film coating магнетронное распыление плазмохимическое газофазное осаждение тонкопленочное покрытие
Test & Measurement
T.Dieing, U.Schmidt, S.Breuninger
Nearfield-Raman – Imaging beyond the diffraction limit Microscope systems which combine several microscopy techniques within one microscope setup are ideally suited for applications, which require Raman information
with resolutions below the diffraction limit.
Nearfield-Raman – Imaging beyond the diffraction limit Microscope systems which combine several microscopy techniques within one microscope setup are ideally suited for applications, which require Raman information
with resolutions below the diffraction limit.
Tags: diffraction limit nearfield microscopy raman spectroscopy ближнепольная микроскопия дифракционный предел рамановская спектроскопия
A.Useinov, K.Kravchuk, I.Maslenikov, V.Reshetov
Mechanical properties study of surface layers of the golf ball structure The mechanical properties of the structural elements forming the near-surface volume of a golf ball were studied by instrumental indentation. The dependences of mechanical properties on the depth, and also morphology and roughness of the surface are defined.
Mechanical properties study of surface layers of the golf ball structure The mechanical properties of the structural elements forming the near-surface volume of a golf ball were studied by instrumental indentation. The dependences of mechanical properties on the depth, and also morphology and roughness of the surface are defined.
Tags: hardness instrumental indentation mechanical properties nanohardness tester инструментальное индентирование механические свойства нанотвердомер твердость
Conferences, Exhibitions, Seminars
EuroNanoForum 2015: development of nanotechnology in Europe From 10 to 12 June Riga (Latvia) hosted the the EuroNanoForum 2015 conference and exhibition, which is organised by the University of Latvia and Spinverse in cooperation with the EC Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. The conference was devoted to a wide range of problems from various aspects of industrial implementation of nanotechnology to investment in advanced developments. This publication opens a series of reviews and exclusive interviews with exhibitors and conference participants.
EuroNanoForum 2015: development of nanotechnology in Europe From 10 to 12 June Riga (Latvia) hosted the the EuroNanoForum 2015 conference and exhibition, which is organised by the University of Latvia and Spinverse in cooperation with the EC Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. The conference was devoted to a wide range of problems from various aspects of industrial implementation of nanotechnology to investment in advanced developments. This publication opens a series of reviews and exclusive interviews with exhibitors and conference participants.
Electron beam lithography systems for advanced research and production The German Raith GmbH develops solutions for electron beam and ion-beam lithography, nanoengineering, reverse engineering, electron microscopy. Founded in 1980 in Dortmund, the company employs more than 200 specialists. The equipment range includes systems for research and educational purposes, and industrial systems. The joining forces with Vistec Gaussian Beam Lithography in 2013 even more strengthened the position of Raith in the market. About the trends in the application and development of equipment said Martin Kirchner, the Senior Sales Director, New Markets, at Raith.
Electron beam lithography systems for advanced research and production The German Raith GmbH develops solutions for electron beam and ion-beam lithography, nanoengineering, reverse engineering, electron microscopy. Founded in 1980 in Dortmund, the company employs more than 200 specialists. The equipment range includes systems for research and educational purposes, and industrial systems. The joining forces with Vistec Gaussian Beam Lithography in 2013 even more strengthened the position of Raith in the market. About the trends in the application and development of equipment said Martin Kirchner, the Senior Sales Director, New Markets, at Raith.
Structurally-modified wood Traditional, environmentally friendly materials, including wood, currently attract more and more interest worldwide. This is due to not only environmental friendliness of wood as a natural material, but due to the fact that modern technologies allow to significantly improve its properties.
Structurally-modified wood Traditional, environmentally friendly materials, including wood, currently attract more and more interest worldwide. This is due to not only environmental friendliness of wood as a natural material, but due to the fact that modern technologies allow to significantly improve its properties.
Tags: modified universal wood module structurally-modified wood структурно-модифицированное древесное вещество универсальный модифицированный древесный модуль
Yu.Mazalov, R.Solovyov, N.Sergeev, A.Fedotov, A.Dunaev, P.Vityaz, L.Sudnik
Tribological properties of nanostructured boehmite A study was conducted to estimate the structure, phase
and chemical composition, and thermal properties of boehmite obtained by hydrothermal synthesis. Tribological properties, anti-friction, anti-wear and antiwelding properties were estimated. The possibility of using nanostructured boehmite for running-in of diesel engine was shown.
Tribological properties of nanostructured boehmite A study was conducted to estimate the structure, phase
and chemical composition, and thermal properties of boehmite obtained by hydrothermal synthesis. Tribological properties, anti-friction, anti-wear and antiwelding properties were estimated. The possibility of using nanostructured boehmite for running-in of diesel engine was shown.
Tags: friction nanostructured boehmite repair and restoration composition running-in wear износ наноструктурный бемит приработка ремонтно-восстановительный состав трение
Promising projects in nanotechnologies
Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center: nontrivial high-tech solutions
One of the trends in contemporary microelectronics is the development of smart systems, which are not only applied in industry, but also shape the digital environment of our daily life. The number of new devices and gadgets is augmenting every year with an increasingly easier integration into one single system. Their creation requires not only miniaturization of microelectronic devices, but also the capacity to respond quickly to market needs and transform ideas into marketed products. The latter is particularly effective with small companies, which are proactive, market-informed, demand-oriented and, most importantly, ready to assimilate approaches for transforming scientific ideas into businesses. However, they need developed infrastructure, i.e. people, ideas, technology and science need to be brought together onto one platform. Such infrastructure is offered by Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center (ZNTC). Anatoly Kovalev, the General Director of the Center, told us about their support and development of high-tech projects.
Expert’s opinion
Rational organization of customer service In the last issue of the journal (“Nanoindustry” No. 5(59), 2015, pp. 28–31) our experts shared their experience in the service of high-tech equipment. As a continuation of the topic we present the opinion of Alexey Alekseyev, General Director at SemiTEq, Ph.D.
Rational organization of customer service In the last issue of the journal (“Nanoindustry” No. 5(59), 2015, pp. 28–31) our experts shared their experience in the service of high-tech equipment. As a continuation of the topic we present the opinion of Alexey Alekseyev, General Director at SemiTEq, Ph.D.