The reports of the Fifth Conference of the Nanotechnological Society of Russia (NTSR) covered a wide range of problems concerning the development of Russian nanoindustry and also presented interesting projects of NTSR members
Теги: financing of innovation nanoindustry nanotechnological society of russia наноиндустрия нанотехнологическое общество россии финансирование инноваций
At the beginning of the organizational session Evgeny Velikhov, Academician of RAS, Secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Research Center Kurchatov Institute, addressed the participants of the Conference with a greeting speech. He pointed out the growing role of the public organizations in Russia and called upon the NTSR members to co-operate more actively with the Public Chamber in order to promote the perspective ideas and technologies more effectively
Russian nanoindustry: problems and opportunities
Victor Bykov, President of NTSR, Dr.Sc., Director General of NT-MDT Co., presented the report "Nanotechnologies of Russia and NTSR: state, problems, possible solutions and development opportunities". He said that the society established in 2008, already comprised about 1200 members representing practically all the regions of Russia. Aims of NTSR were assistance in realization of the commercially efficient scientific developments in the area of nanotechnologies and promotion of cooperation development, including, international cooperation.
This work was done in interaction with the Russian Association of Assistance to Science, Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, commercial and industrial chambers, and other public and state organizations. NTSR organized monthly seminars, and All-Russia and regional conferences. A considerable role in the society’s activity was played by its regional offices.
When evaluating the situation in the market of high technologies in the country, the reporter mentioned establishment of the Interbranch Association of the Enterprises of Nanoindustry and holding of the second congress of the enterprises of nanoindustry, in which more than 300 organizations took part. New opportunities for the innovative business were ensured by the initiative of the government of the country concerning the establishment and development of the system of territorial clusters, integrating the industrial enterprises, research and educational organizations. The cluster system got a serious financial support from the state.
Certain scientific research works also received state financing, for example, within the framework of the program of support for the leading Russian universities of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and various federal target programs. NTSR established ties with the National Nanotechnological Network and its head organizations, which created additional opportunities for promotion of the perspective research projects.
Another positive trend was establishment of the centers of nanotechnologies and nanoelectronics in higher schools: Moscow State University, MIFI, МFTI, МGIET, etc. Higher schools became also the centers of international cooperation – in order to attract the leading scientists the Russian Government established grants worth of 150 million rubles each.
Talking about the prospects for development of the innovative direction in the Russian economy, V.A.Bykov underlined the importance of formation of an effective structure, which would include not only the small companies developing the breakthrough technologies, but also the large associations, capable to develop the most promising innovations and promote them in the markets.
According to the reporter, the following factors hinder the development of hi-tech productions:
Weak protection of the home market against the external competitors;
Absence of economic support for the exporters;
High interest rate of crediting in banks;
Customs barriers for import of the components not produced in Russia, and also for import/export of equipment, which create problems for the service subdivisions of the Russian exporters.
V.Bykov said that in the interests of development of the innovative productions in Russia we had to solve the above problems, using also the resources of NTSR.
Financing of the projects
Boris Pavlov, Vice-president of NTSR for economic and financial questions, President of Tatar Branch of NTSR, Vice-president of Gazprombank, told about the arrangement of financing for the investment projects in the nanoindustrial sphere.
Talking about the immediate development prospects, the reporter pointed out, that the main world markets for nanoindustry were the space industry, motor industry, electronics and protection of the environment. At that in overwhelming majority of cases it was a question of nano-containing products, but not nanomaterials in their pure form – their share in the market was only about 0.5 %.
So far, Russia had roughly 0.4% of the world market of nanotechnological products, the volume of which, according to the forecasts of Lux Research Co., should reach 2.9 trillion dollars in 2014. In accordance with the existing program for development of nanoindustry, adopted by the Government of Russia in 2008, in 2015 the share of our country in the world manufacture of the nanotechnological products will be 3%.
Despite certain unfulfilled planned targets, there were positive preconditions for development of nanoindustry in Russia. Among them the reporter mentioned the attention expressed by the country leaders, good positions of the Russian companies in some segments of the market, for example, in instrument making, and also presence of a strong special investment institute – Rosnano Co.
According to the established order, the projects coming to NTSR are considered by the vice-president for economic and financial questions and estimated by the directorate for federal target and regional programs. If a project is recognized as perspective, it gets assistance in working out of the financing scheme.
Financing could be attracted from both the budgetary sources (federal and departmental programs) and from non-budget sources of various levels (investment and share foundations, banks and other financial-credit organizations). Among the strategic partners B.Pavlov specially noted Rosnano Co. with the Fund for Infrastructural and Educational Programs and also the regional nanotechnological centers.
The reporter told about the following projects implemented with assistance of NTSR:
Establishment by Italtech Co. of a manufacture of polyamide threads with capacity of 2.4 thousand t/year and production of stockings with capacity of 30 million pairs/year in the special economic zone of Alabuga. The project’s cost – 6 billion rubles;
Construction by KamGeoTeks Co. of a polyester woven grid production for road-building with capacity of 4.6 million m²/year in the special economic zone of Alabuga;
Designing of a centre for complex processing of the solid household and industrial wastes with the use of a two-stage thermal gasification technology from Canadian WTeC Co. A pilot project was planned to be realized in Nizhnekamsk.
Problems of the modern immunophysiology
The academic part of the conference was opened by Valery Chereshnev, Academician of RAS, Chairman of the Committee on Science and Technologies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, D.Sc., member of the Central Board of NTSR, who presented the report "Nano-scale processes in modern immunophysiology". The reporter pointed out, that medical pathologies began exactly from a nano-level. Most attention in his report was devoted to the HIV virus – a pathogen with diameter of about 100 nm, which undermined the human immune system. In particular, he specified the following factors of the pathogenesis of the HIV infection:
High variability of the virus – its ability to mutation, multi-infection of the cells-targets, and recombination;
Affinity to immunocompetent cells, CD4+ T-lymphocytes and macrophages;
The key role in the processes of a primary infection in illness development belongs to a cytokinin storm, exhaustion of the pool of CD4+ T-cells in the lymph tissue of intestines, translocation of the antigenes of the flora of intestines;
Chronic activation of the immune system, leading to an increase of the number of cells-targets, external antigene load;
Disturbances in the system of regulation of the immune homeostasis – exhaustion of the regenerative potential of the immune system, degradation of the architecture of the lymph bodies.
V.Chereshnev informed, that owing to the complexity of interaction of HIV with a human body, so far it was not possible to develop the methods of therapy ensuring elimination of the virus and full restoration of the immune system. Therefore a topical problem was development of new approaches to research of the mechanisms of HIV pathogenesis with application of mathematical modeling.
Innovative textiles
Herman Krichevsky, member of the Central Board of NTSR, Dr.Sc., presented the report "NBIC-technologies in textiles productions: hopes, realities and problems. Twofold purpose technologies and materials".
Nano-, bio-, information and cognitive technologies (NBIC) were more and more widely applied for manufacture of modern textiles both for military-space programs (combat fighting sets for soldiers of special subdivisions, suits for cosmonauts, military and space technologies), and for civilian needs (medical and cosmetic textiles, sportswear and footwear, smart house elements, motor- and aircraft industries). The reporter noted the following trends in development and manufacture of hi-tech textiles:
Growing use of the chemical fibers (polyester, first of all);
Growth of the production volumes of the technical textiles;
Application of nanotechnologies: fibers of nano-sized thickness and nanoparticles, modifying the properties of microfibers;
Development of smart textiles by integration of electronic components into them;
Transfer of the technologies from the military-space sector into the civil sector.
G.Krichevsky pointed out that in many respects Russian technologies considerably lagged behind the level of the technologies reached in the USA, China, France and some other countries.
Modification of composites by carbon nanoparticles
Andrey Ponomarev, Vice-president of NTSR, Ph.D., Director General of the Research Center of Applied Nanotechnologies, presented the report "Physical and chemical modification of composites with carbon nanoparticles. Industrial results and prospects". He said that the carried out research works had revealed special properties of the toroid-like nonmetallic nanoparticles. In particular, they could strengthen electromagnetic waves in thousands of times – this effect was observed at the surface of a particle and explained by the resonant phenomena.
The Research Center developed modifying additives on the basis of carbon nanotoruses, allowing to condense the interphase borders, raise the density and improve the physical-mechanical and electrophysical properties of the composite materials. Such additives were used for production of the lightning-protection coal plastics, which withstood an electric charge of 200 КА. The additives also prolonged the resource of the matrixes of the composite materials.
Another interesting opportunity was introduction of nano-additives in polymeric fibers for decreasing of the thermal effect during their heating above the ignition temperature. This allowed us to develop new textile materials for protection of the staff of EMERCOM in extreme situations and for other purposes.
A promising sphere for application of the additives developed by the Research Center was manufacture of high-quality light composite concretes and self-condensed composite coverings. Such materials were already applied in construction, for example, nanoconcrete was used for construction of a bridge over Volga in the city of Kimry, and a nanocovering – on objects of Southern and Belorechinskaya hydroelectric power stations.
A.Ponomarev noticed that the developed nanoadditives were protected at the Russian and international levels, and the Research Center carried out its projects both in Russia and abroad. ■
Russian nanoindustry: problems and opportunities
Victor Bykov, President of NTSR, Dr.Sc., Director General of NT-MDT Co., presented the report "Nanotechnologies of Russia and NTSR: state, problems, possible solutions and development opportunities". He said that the society established in 2008, already comprised about 1200 members representing practically all the regions of Russia. Aims of NTSR were assistance in realization of the commercially efficient scientific developments in the area of nanotechnologies and promotion of cooperation development, including, international cooperation.
This work was done in interaction with the Russian Association of Assistance to Science, Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, commercial and industrial chambers, and other public and state organizations. NTSR organized monthly seminars, and All-Russia and regional conferences. A considerable role in the society’s activity was played by its regional offices.
When evaluating the situation in the market of high technologies in the country, the reporter mentioned establishment of the Interbranch Association of the Enterprises of Nanoindustry and holding of the second congress of the enterprises of nanoindustry, in which more than 300 organizations took part. New opportunities for the innovative business were ensured by the initiative of the government of the country concerning the establishment and development of the system of territorial clusters, integrating the industrial enterprises, research and educational organizations. The cluster system got a serious financial support from the state.
Certain scientific research works also received state financing, for example, within the framework of the program of support for the leading Russian universities of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and various federal target programs. NTSR established ties with the National Nanotechnological Network and its head organizations, which created additional opportunities for promotion of the perspective research projects.
Another positive trend was establishment of the centers of nanotechnologies and nanoelectronics in higher schools: Moscow State University, MIFI, МFTI, МGIET, etc. Higher schools became also the centers of international cooperation – in order to attract the leading scientists the Russian Government established grants worth of 150 million rubles each.
Talking about the prospects for development of the innovative direction in the Russian economy, V.A.Bykov underlined the importance of formation of an effective structure, which would include not only the small companies developing the breakthrough technologies, but also the large associations, capable to develop the most promising innovations and promote them in the markets.
According to the reporter, the following factors hinder the development of hi-tech productions:
Weak protection of the home market against the external competitors;
Absence of economic support for the exporters;
High interest rate of crediting in banks;
Customs barriers for import of the components not produced in Russia, and also for import/export of equipment, which create problems for the service subdivisions of the Russian exporters.
V.Bykov said that in the interests of development of the innovative productions in Russia we had to solve the above problems, using also the resources of NTSR.
Financing of the projects
Boris Pavlov, Vice-president of NTSR for economic and financial questions, President of Tatar Branch of NTSR, Vice-president of Gazprombank, told about the arrangement of financing for the investment projects in the nanoindustrial sphere.
Talking about the immediate development prospects, the reporter pointed out, that the main world markets for nanoindustry were the space industry, motor industry, electronics and protection of the environment. At that in overwhelming majority of cases it was a question of nano-containing products, but not nanomaterials in their pure form – their share in the market was only about 0.5 %.
So far, Russia had roughly 0.4% of the world market of nanotechnological products, the volume of which, according to the forecasts of Lux Research Co., should reach 2.9 trillion dollars in 2014. In accordance with the existing program for development of nanoindustry, adopted by the Government of Russia in 2008, in 2015 the share of our country in the world manufacture of the nanotechnological products will be 3%.
Despite certain unfulfilled planned targets, there were positive preconditions for development of nanoindustry in Russia. Among them the reporter mentioned the attention expressed by the country leaders, good positions of the Russian companies in some segments of the market, for example, in instrument making, and also presence of a strong special investment institute – Rosnano Co.
According to the established order, the projects coming to NTSR are considered by the vice-president for economic and financial questions and estimated by the directorate for federal target and regional programs. If a project is recognized as perspective, it gets assistance in working out of the financing scheme.
Financing could be attracted from both the budgetary sources (federal and departmental programs) and from non-budget sources of various levels (investment and share foundations, banks and other financial-credit organizations). Among the strategic partners B.Pavlov specially noted Rosnano Co. with the Fund for Infrastructural and Educational Programs and also the regional nanotechnological centers.
The reporter told about the following projects implemented with assistance of NTSR:
Establishment by Italtech Co. of a manufacture of polyamide threads with capacity of 2.4 thousand t/year and production of stockings with capacity of 30 million pairs/year in the special economic zone of Alabuga. The project’s cost – 6 billion rubles;
Construction by KamGeoTeks Co. of a polyester woven grid production for road-building with capacity of 4.6 million m²/year in the special economic zone of Alabuga;
Designing of a centre for complex processing of the solid household and industrial wastes with the use of a two-stage thermal gasification technology from Canadian WTeC Co. A pilot project was planned to be realized in Nizhnekamsk.
Problems of the modern immunophysiology
The academic part of the conference was opened by Valery Chereshnev, Academician of RAS, Chairman of the Committee on Science and Technologies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, D.Sc., member of the Central Board of NTSR, who presented the report "Nano-scale processes in modern immunophysiology". The reporter pointed out, that medical pathologies began exactly from a nano-level. Most attention in his report was devoted to the HIV virus – a pathogen with diameter of about 100 nm, which undermined the human immune system. In particular, he specified the following factors of the pathogenesis of the HIV infection:
High variability of the virus – its ability to mutation, multi-infection of the cells-targets, and recombination;
Affinity to immunocompetent cells, CD4+ T-lymphocytes and macrophages;
The key role in the processes of a primary infection in illness development belongs to a cytokinin storm, exhaustion of the pool of CD4+ T-cells in the lymph tissue of intestines, translocation of the antigenes of the flora of intestines;
Chronic activation of the immune system, leading to an increase of the number of cells-targets, external antigene load;
Disturbances in the system of regulation of the immune homeostasis – exhaustion of the regenerative potential of the immune system, degradation of the architecture of the lymph bodies.
V.Chereshnev informed, that owing to the complexity of interaction of HIV with a human body, so far it was not possible to develop the methods of therapy ensuring elimination of the virus and full restoration of the immune system. Therefore a topical problem was development of new approaches to research of the mechanisms of HIV pathogenesis with application of mathematical modeling.
Innovative textiles
Herman Krichevsky, member of the Central Board of NTSR, Dr.Sc., presented the report "NBIC-technologies in textiles productions: hopes, realities and problems. Twofold purpose technologies and materials".
Nano-, bio-, information and cognitive technologies (NBIC) were more and more widely applied for manufacture of modern textiles both for military-space programs (combat fighting sets for soldiers of special subdivisions, suits for cosmonauts, military and space technologies), and for civilian needs (medical and cosmetic textiles, sportswear and footwear, smart house elements, motor- and aircraft industries). The reporter noted the following trends in development and manufacture of hi-tech textiles:
Growing use of the chemical fibers (polyester, first of all);
Growth of the production volumes of the technical textiles;
Application of nanotechnologies: fibers of nano-sized thickness and nanoparticles, modifying the properties of microfibers;
Development of smart textiles by integration of electronic components into them;
Transfer of the technologies from the military-space sector into the civil sector.
G.Krichevsky pointed out that in many respects Russian technologies considerably lagged behind the level of the technologies reached in the USA, China, France and some other countries.
Modification of composites by carbon nanoparticles
Andrey Ponomarev, Vice-president of NTSR, Ph.D., Director General of the Research Center of Applied Nanotechnologies, presented the report "Physical and chemical modification of composites with carbon nanoparticles. Industrial results and prospects". He said that the carried out research works had revealed special properties of the toroid-like nonmetallic nanoparticles. In particular, they could strengthen electromagnetic waves in thousands of times – this effect was observed at the surface of a particle and explained by the resonant phenomena.
The Research Center developed modifying additives on the basis of carbon nanotoruses, allowing to condense the interphase borders, raise the density and improve the physical-mechanical and electrophysical properties of the composite materials. Such additives were used for production of the lightning-protection coal plastics, which withstood an electric charge of 200 КА. The additives also prolonged the resource of the matrixes of the composite materials.
Another interesting opportunity was introduction of nano-additives in polymeric fibers for decreasing of the thermal effect during their heating above the ignition temperature. This allowed us to develop new textile materials for protection of the staff of EMERCOM in extreme situations and for other purposes.
A promising sphere for application of the additives developed by the Research Center was manufacture of high-quality light composite concretes and self-condensed composite coverings. Such materials were already applied in construction, for example, nanoconcrete was used for construction of a bridge over Volga in the city of Kimry, and a nanocovering – on objects of Southern and Belorechinskaya hydroelectric power stations.
A.Ponomarev noticed that the developed nanoadditives were protected at the Russian and international levels, and the Research Center carried out its projects both in Russia and abroad. ■
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